The European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD)

Component 1.5 Applied Research

The EuFMD has, since 2008, provided support for small applied research projects that are relevant to the priority technical issues of the EuFMD Member Nations. The priorities for applied research are primarily technical and economic issues affecting FAST diseases emergency management in the Member Nations. The thematic priorities will be identified with the assistance of the Standing Technical Committee (STC) and the Special Committee on Surveillance and Applied Research (SCSAR) and two calls per year will be launched for this research studies to be assigned to the institutions that better fit with the established criteria. The criteria established to select the applicants include

• Relevance to strategic objectives or specific components of the EuFMD Strategy;

• Address generic problem identified as common to many Member Nations veterinary services;

• Likelihood of tangible results or outputs;

• Urgency of need for results/outputs and lack of alternative funding;

• Synergy or complementarity with field based activities relating to FMD;

• Value for money.

Applications are welcome from any source and are not limited by geographical origin and the proposals will be assessed in two stages: first by external referees (Referee Panel); then by the STC (acting as the Grant Review Board), a multidisciplinary panel of experts who are familiar with the priorities and scope of the fund and the context of the institutions which are expected to utilize the knowledge, tools and outputs.

Funding will be allocated by the EuFMD through Letters of Agreement. Co-ordination and communication between institutions in the FAST disease surveillance networks will be a key element of this component, which will also aim at providing a platform for review of progress and prioritization. Regular meetings will be organized to provide a discussion forum for the members of the STC, the SCSAR and also the Special Committee on Biorisk Management (SCBRM).