FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

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The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has greenlighted 48 FAO-led projects worth about $2.9 billion –$294 million in project financing and $2.6 billion in co-financing– that will play a pivotal role in fostering a sustainable agrifood systems transformation to end hunger and conserve the environment. As a partner agency for the Global Environment Facility (GEF), FAO supports countries worldwide in addressing the complex challenges at the nexus between the agrifood systems and the environment.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in the Republic of Moldova, in collaboration with the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), the operational unit of Austrian Development Cooperation, the Government of Japan  and the  Government of Switzerland, has initiated a new phase of emergency agricultural assistance for vulnerable smallholder farmers and households struggling with the effects of the 2022 drought and the ongoing regional crisis.
The small ruminant sector is poised for significant change in the Western Balkans, a region deeply rooted in agricultural tradition. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has released Small Ruminant Value Chains in Western Balkan Countries, a report that provides an unprecedented look into the current state and future direction of this important sector.
There is a growing trend to produce and consume sustainable food motivated both by concerns for health and for the world that future generations will inherit. Often we forget about the secret weapon in the sustainability toolbox: pulses. Luckily, every year, World Pulses Day (10 February) reminds us of their crucial role in making agriculture and our diets more  eco-friendly, carbon-neutral and low-impact.
FAO conducts national training on mountain vulnerability assessment in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. Assessing the vulnerability of mountain societies to provide data that can inform communities and government in developing climate change-adaptation strategies is an essential task that requires a thorough understanding of a range of technical and socio-economic parameters.
The German Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, Cem Oezdemir and the Italian Minister for Agriculture, Francesco Lollobrigida, hosted a special event on Ukraine. Maximo Torero, Chief Economist of the Food and Agriculture of the United Nations (FAO), presented FAO’s current assessment on the situation in Ukraine and neighbouring countries as well as FAO’s rapid response plan for Ukraine in 2024 and the FAO Development Strategy for Ukraine (2024–2027). 

Agriculture is the main source of income for more than half of the population in the Republic of Moldova. To spur investments into the sector and provide a better life for Moldovan rural people, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Moldova organized a special event on investment in the republic in the framework of the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture in Berlin, Germany, within the Agrifood Partnership Forum of the Republic of Moldova launched in October 2023. 

In the agricultural heart of Kosovo1, under the radiant sun, stands Pajazit Thaci. At the age of 81, his face bears the traces of seven decades of farming, yet his spirit remains young and vibrant. Pajazit's presence is felt by all who pass by, his standard white shirt recognizable to all the village. He cares deeply for the land and is always looking forward to the next harvest.


In Central Asia, sustainable fisheries and aquaculture represent significant untapped potential, yet enhancing institutional capacity for increased production and development remains a persistent challenge.

In response to these challenges, the FISHCap project was launched under the umbrella of the FAO–Türkiye Partnership Programme on Food and Agriculture, and implemented in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Türkiye, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, to address obstacles to sustainability in the fisheries and aquaculture sector.


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recognizes that scaling up science, technology and innovation is necessary for a profound transformation of food and agricultural systems. Engagements with the private sector help energize digital ecosystems and catalyse innovations and integration of digital technologies.