منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية

Strategic Plan for Rural Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2018-2021) - Framework Document

At the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations, the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovna  adopted in January 2018 a Proposal of the Strategic Plan for Rural Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2018-2021), which created  conditions for domestic agricultural producers to receive funds from the European Union funds through projects.

The strategic plan will provide a broad framework that will lead to the gradual alignment of agriculture and rural development in BiH with the best practices of the European Union.

المنظمة: Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina
السنة: 2018
البلد/البلدان: Bosnia and Herzegovina
التغطية الجغرافية: أوروبا وآسيا الوسطى
النوع: موجز في السياسات/ وثيقة في السياسات
لغة المحتوى: English

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