Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Network of National Coordination Committee of the International Year of Family Farming +10 The Gambia NCC-IYFF+10 The Gambia

Type of Organization: Farmers' organization
Areas of work: Agricultural and rural legislation, Agroecology, Agroforestry, Education, Farming typologies
Region: Africa
Country: Gambia
The Network of National Coordination Committee of the International Year of Family Farming +10 Gambia was established in 2013, focusing on advocacy and lobbying policies in favor of family farming. It has been officially recognized by the Gambian government in 2016 as platform for policy dialogue. It consists of 17 members representing NGOs , farmers organizations, cooperatives, the National Assembly, women organisations, youth organisations, FAO, private sector, as well as the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Trade and Investment representative. The NCC-IYFF +10 The Gambia worked closely with the World Rural Forum and IFAD project coordinators in The Gambia.