Family Farming Knowledge Platform


Type of Organization: International Organization
Areas of work: Small family farmers
Region: Asia and the Pacific
Country: Cambodia
Eclosio is the NGO of the University of Liège in Belgium. It is the result of the merger between the NGOs Aide au Développement Gembloux (ADG) and UniverSud-Liège. Eclosio works with 87 partners, 81 collaboratos, 45 volunteers and many donors and contributors in 6 countries in 4 continents. Eclosio strengthens initiatives respecting human beings as well as environment, contributing to the exercise of populations’ fundamental rights so that they can feed, treat, and educate themselves, benefit from a decent income and from social welfare, have access to natural resources in a sustainable way, and express their views and associate freely. In Cambodia, Eclosio supports small scale farmers and their family to improve their living condition and enable them to live with dignity from their agricultural activities. We promote food sovereignty, create a condition that people can live in rural areas, empower women in their communities and encourage youth to stay and work in agriculture. Eclosio works with Farmer’ Organizations (FO) and Cambodian NGOs specialized in specific fields to address six fundamental issues faced by small scale farmers : (1) Sustainable agriculture and sustainable resource management (2) Improve access to markets (3) and access to finance (4) Capacitate FO Leaders to manage their institutions and advocate for the interest of Members (5) Develop models adapted to local context (6) Promote the participation of women and youth in rural development.