Family Farming Knowledge Platform

FFKP Network

The FFKP Network helps connect key players from the same country or region, encouraging them to explore areas of common interest that may serve as a basis to establish partnerships and collaborations among its members.

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The information on the members of the FFKP Network is provided by the members themselves. FAO is not responsible for its accuracy, nor for any use of such information by users.

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Bangladesh Agricultural Farm Labour Federation

Farmers' organization
The Bangladesh Agricultural Farm Labour Federation (BAFLF) is a farmers' organization in Bangladesh. Agricultural workers constitute the largest sector of the population of Bangladesh, and in order to face the undue and unjust situations of agriculture and allied rural workers, the task of organizing agriculture workers was started in the year...

Comité National de l'Agricultyure Familiale du Niger

Civil society
Le CNAF Niger est une faitière des faitières. Les membres fondateurs du CNAF - Niger sont la Plateforme paysanne du Niger, le Réseau des Chambres d'Agriculture du Niger, la plateforme d'Agro-écologie et l'ONG Enda Énergie Niger. Elle est ouverte à touts autres structures faitières du Niger ainsi qu'aux ONG et...

Eastern Caribbean Trading Agriculture Development Organization

Farmers' organization
What we do.... VISION Our vision is the achievement of sustained economic and social prosperity by rural farming communities. MISSION We are working to improve the quality of life for small farmers and their families by strengthening their capacity to achieve profitable markets and sustained incomes. As part of our mission, we share good...
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Tranoben'ny Tantsaha Mpamokatra

La Tranoben’ny Tantsaha a pour objectifs d'améliorer les niveaux de vie des Producteurs, de développer les secteurs Agricoles et de renforcer les Organisations des Producteurs existantes. Missions de la Tranoben'ny Tantsaha Mpamokatra: Représente les producteurs dans le développement rural; défenseur de l'intérêt des producteurs; rend et émet des propositions sur l’ensemble...

Agri4young, Un réseau de partage des connaissances et des opportunités en agriculture

Civil society
Créé en 2013, Agri4Young est un réseau mis en place pour échanger et partager des opportunités et des informations utiles entre les acteurs intervenant dans le domaine agricole notamment les jeunes des pays ACP-UE. Suite à la conférence internationale ICT4Ag tenue au Rwanda le 4 au 8 Novembre 2013, certains jeunes...

Vidiecka platforma/Rural Platform

Civil society
Rural platform was established in 2014 during the International Year of Family Farming. We count 30 member organisations of young farmers, organic farmers and family farms in Slovakia, more than 1200 individual members, including leading experts in agriculture. Our goal is to bring new, progressive approaches to agriculture and to...

Alnawatif Coopreative

A community cooperative works for the support of small farmers/ pastorlist . providing extension services to farmer and pastoralists, training for women and youth. Coonnecting local frmers with peers in other part of Jordan and internationally

Bäuerliche Erzeugergemeinschaft Schwäbisch Hall w.V.

Farmers' organization
The Bäuerliche Erzeugergemeinschaft Schwäbisch Hall is an association of small-scale farmers in southern Germany. It was founded as grass root initiative from 8 Farmers in 1988. One of the aims has been the rescue and protection of the local autochthone swine breed called Swabian-Hall Landrace and built up market...

Coopérative Communale des Producteurs de maïs MIHALODO de DJIDJA

Farmers' organization
MIHALODO est une organisation créée en 2016 et enregistrée en 2017 sous le numéro 12/05/03/2017/031/Im DDAEP-Zou. Elle compte 23 coopératives villageoises des producteurs qui ont pour membres 12010 dont 3383. Les organes dirigeantes sont l'Assemblée Générale; le Conseil d'Administration et le Comité de Contrôle. Elle est quotidiennement dirigée par une...

Observatorio de Agricultura Urbana, Periurbana y Agroecología

Research center
Observatorio O-AUPA Contribuye a generar inteligencia territorial para modelos más sustentables de producción, comercialización y consumo de alimentos. En la nueva AER INTA Córdoba, desde mediados de 2013 se está conformando el Observatorio AUPA. Esta iniciativa se propone como objetivo general el contribuir a generar inteligencia territorial para modelos más sustentables de...

Solidaridad China REC

Non-governmental organization
Since 2006, Solidaridad in China has been working with key industry actors across the supply chain to promote sustainability in the following industries: tea, soy, cotton, textiles and palm oil. We provide on-site/off-site support to producers in best practices to receive cost-saving, eco-friendly, and socially responsible impact, while at the...

Lions Club International DR. Congo

International Organization
Le lions club internatioanale est l'une des plus grandes organisations mondiales philanthropiques, nous accompagner les nations unies à atteindre les objectifs du millénaire, nous avons des oeuvres dans la lutte contre la famine dans le monde

New Generation Farmers Cooperative Society Gombe

New Generation Farmers Cooperative Society Gombe is an economic enterprise with the purpose of improving the economic status of its members as well as to donate a fund to help members in time of needs. OUR MAIN AIMS IS TO BOOST AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES TO OUR MEMBERS TO REDUCE POVERTY...

Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network

Farmers' organization
The Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network (PIFON) is intended to serve as an umbrella organisation for national Farmer Organizations (FOs), to coordinate capacity building, share success stories and the lessons learnt, support regional exchanges of expertise between FOs and their associated private sector and donor agency partners.

Work with disadvantaged children and their mothers, youth and smallholders farmers with the objective of collective participation in identifying strategies to boost their economic activities thereby improve their well being.

Ceibal Asociación Civil

Non-governmental organization
Promover el desarrollo económico y social de las personas y comunidades de menores recursos económicos de la República Argentina y otros países de América Latina a través de la implementación de programas de desarrollo que brinden oportunidades.

Kisankarkeela Organization

Farmers' organization
small farmer right sustainable agriculture livehood cliamate change food security gender justices advocacy and research

Alternatives Durables pour le développement (ADD)

Non-governmental organization
Alternatives Durables pour le Développement (ADD) est une Association sans but lucratif créée en 1996 par des jeunes camerounais mus par le désir de faire oeuvre utile à la société. La mission de l’association est d’accompagner de manière participative et durable les initiatives d’autopromotion des couches de populations les plus...

Zimbabwe Land and Agrarian Network (ZiLAN)

Civil society
The Zimbabwe Land and Agrarian Network (ZiLAN) was established in 2012. The Network is comprised of 27 members (NGOs, farmers organizations, CSOs) that seek to strengthen their respective capacities, complement each other and amplify their collective voices to influence land and agrarian policies and programmes in Zimbabwe. The...


Development Agency
To develop customized agriculture technology and seeds, through exchange of field experience and knowledge with our researchers and the researchers of the associate countries.
Total results:224