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African Centre for Sustainable Livelihoods

Non-governmental organization
We focus on creating innovative and sustainable livelihoods solutions through access to basic relevant life skills and agricultural trainings that add values and dignity to lives of young and active unemployed , the needy and vulnerable persons.

Soroti Catholic Diocese Integrated Development Organization

Non-governmental organization
The Soroti Catholic Diocese Integrated Development Organization (SOCADIDO) is a faith-based organization established in 1981 with a mission to empower vulnerable households in the Teso sub-region through integrated development services. As a sister organization of the Uganda Association of Caritas and a member of Caritas Internationalis, SOCADIDO, also known as...

Kyangwali passion fruit growers and fish farmers

Community supported Agriculture CSA
The organisation deals in growing local passion friuts and fish farming in western uganda , hoima district it provides training to people living with disability, child mothers and youth. it provides seedlings to local trained youth for the start. it trains value addition it uses current local technology in growing passion fruits and...

Association des Volontaires pour l'Environnement Sain

Non-governmental organization
The NGO A.V.E.S supports grassroots communities in their self-help initiatives through education, information and communication. The aim is to raise awareness, train and sensitise local people so that they can take ownership of development projects for the environment management, economic and social well-being of all sections of society. Therefore NGO...

Derrick Oti Farms

Derrick Oti Farms is a private-own entity engaged in food production using regenerative techniques ensuring sustainability and environmental protection while empowering the communities in which projects are sited through several interventions like technical training and more

Cooperative Agropastorale Amis de la terre

Nous sommes une cooperative Agropastorale Amis de la terre basée en RDC dans la ville de Bukavu Nous intervenons dans les domaines d'accompagnement des petits exploitants agricoles dans les milieux ruraux. Dans les milieux urbains, nous developpons l'agriculture hors sol dans le souci de lutter contre L'importation des legumes et etre...
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Gillawie ecological foundation

Community supported Agriculture CSA
Gillawie Ecological Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and protecting our environment. Their primary focus is on promoting environmental sustainability and conservation. The foundation aims to: * Protect and restore natural ecosystems * Preserve biodiversity * Enhance community awareness about environmental issues * Foster sustainable practices Activities and Focus Areas While...

Dulcet Association

Civil society
We do training in sustainable and regenerative agriculture in our community especially youths and women. We assist them to improve yields in climate friendly ways

Ripple Effect Uganda

Non-governmental organization
Empowering young people to be skilled in enterprises in the dairy value chain. Empowering young people to create businesses in dairy value chin for their employment and income. Conducting inclusive financial linkages of young people enterprises to financial institutions.

Ogbemudia Bassey Osagie Leadership and Empowerment Foundation

Non-governmental organization
Our foundation is a non-governmental organization focused on empowering youths and women. The scope of our projects includes providing agricultural trainings on the growth of staple crops as well as subsidizing staple food items for low income families.

Tunza Nyuki Beekeeping Hub

Civil society
Tunza Nyuki Beekeeping Hub is a community-focused organization dedicated to transforming rural livelihoods in Kenya through sustainable beekeeping practices. We empower smallholder farmers by providing them with the tools, training, and technology needed to thrive in beekeeping.

Advocacy Coalition for Sustainable Agriculture

Civil society
Advocacy Coalition for Sustainable Agriculture (ACSA) is a legally registered national network of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), which work with Smallholder farmers and Promote Sustainable Agriculture, Agricultural market development, Environmental conservation, research and advocacy. This work is aimed at increasing farmer’s understanding of policy issues affecting small holder farmers...

Association des Jeunes Agriculteurs du Mali

Civil society
L'Association des Jeunes Agriculteurs du Mali vise à : - Former les jeunes agriculteurs : Programmes sur les techniques agricoles durables et innovantes. - Sécurité alimentaire : Projets de jardins communautaires et amélioration de la nutrition. - Réduction du gaspillage alimentaire : Campagnes de sensibilisation et solutions pratiques comme le compostage et la...

Association des chrétiens pour le développement

Non-governmental organization
Nous sommes une association locale de terrain et de développement communautaire basée à Kinshasa RDC,qui exerce ses activités dans le domaine ci-dessous : Agriculture, entrepreneuriat social et agro-pastorale des jeunes, Agro-pastorale,
Democratic Republic of the Congo

ISAN Magazine

The ISAN Magazine is a quarterly online publication that provides news, stories and insights into organic and agroecological food and farming systems in Southern Africa. The aim is to support organisations working on social and ecological justice issues in staying current with knowledge that impacts their work and in gaining...
South Africa

Farming Experts Network

Non-governmental organization
Farming Experts Network is the major network of experts in farming in Africa, our aim and objective is to support and promote experts in farming practices in Africa.

Coopérative Al Ain Trarza

Le village d’Al Ain est situé à 6 kilomètres à l’Est de Maatamoulana (Commune de Bareina – Moughataa de R’Kiz - Trarza). Il compte quelques maisons, une Mahadra et un périmètre maraîcher avec une palmeraie de 25 dattiers. Le périmètre agropastoral et environnemental qui est géré par la coopérative agricole Al...

Fédération des unions des producteurs de maïs de la haute guinee

Farmers' organization
La fédération des unions des producteurs de maïs de la haute Guinée est une organisation paysanne qui regroupent plus de 20000 membres repartie comme les production,commercialisation et transformation de maïs dans la région de la haute Guinée.

Banlieues Du Monde Mauritanie

Non-governmental organization
L’Association Banlieues Du Monde / Mauritanie (BDM/M) est une organisation non gouvernementale à but non lucratif, reconnue officiellement sous N°0408/MIPT/DAPLP/SLP du 30 décembre 2002. Elle appuie les acteurs de développement à la base (communes, coopératives, associations de développement etc. ….) en Mauritanie. L’ONG a son siége social à Nouakchott et...

Centre d'Echanges et de Ressources pour la Promotion des Actions Communautaires

Non-governmental organization
Ses 3 pôles d’intervention reposent sur le développement durable à savoir le développement institutionnel, le développement économique local, la décentralisation et en transversal de toutes ses actions le développement durable. Au sein d’un territoire - Nous apportons du conseil aux collectivités locales, ayant la responsabilité du bien- être des populations, comment valoriser le...
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