منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية


يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

ابحث في قاعدة البيانات

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المزيد من خيارات البحث
أقاليم جغرافية/اقتصادية
الموضوع الرئيسي
الموضوع الفرعي

Women in fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea region: roles, challenges and opportunities

Women play active roles throughout the fisheries value chain in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, including participating in pre-harvest activities like vessel and gear construction and maintenance, harvest activities both on board fishing vessels and from shore, and post-harvest activities such as sorting, cleaning, processing and marketing the catch,...
2024 - FAO

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
FAO welcomes the celebration of the International Year of the Woman Farmer in 2026

Approved by the UN General Assembly, it will increase awareness of the crucial role women farmers play in agrifood systems
The UN General Assembly has declared 2026 as the International Year of the Woman Farmer, following a resolution proposed by the United States and supported by the FAO. This initiative aims to highlight the crucial role of women farmers in food security, nutrition, and poverty eradication, and to address the...
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

مقال صحفي
Towards gender equality in forestry, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture

The forestry, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture sectors are critical for sustaining rural livelihoods and achieving food and nutrition security around the world. Yet, these sectors are marred by significant gender and social inequalities. This review examines gender gaps in these sectors and what has worked to reduce inequalities. We show...
2024 - Bioversity

Diagnosis of aquaculture employment governance in selected African countries

Many countries are promoting aquaculture as one of the prime drivers of the rural economy and the employment of women and youth. However, the industry is criticized for inadequately representing the needs of workers. Most African countries have shown a willingness to advance industry goals through domestic programme planning and...
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

مقال صحفي
Fostering an enabling environment for equality and empowerment in agri-food systems: An assessment at multiple scales

Inequalities by gender and intersecting sources of social differentiation in access to resources, exercise of agency, and desirable outcomes persist in agri-food systems in low- and middle income countries. Despite decades of development and theoretical assessment efforts calling for multiscale approaches to addressing inequalities in agri-food systems, common approaches remain specific to...
2024 - CGIAR

Champs écoles féminins dédiés aux pratiques agroécologiques au Bénin

Le Projet de Transition Agroécologique dans les Zones Cotonnières du Bénin (TAZCO 2) a pour principal objectif d’améliorer de façon durable les revenus des exploitations et des rendements agricoles dans les systèmes à base coton, par la restauration et l’amélioration de la fertilité des sols, grâce à l’adoption de pratiques...
2024 - Tazco

مقال صحفي
“It doesn’t matter at all—we are family”: Titling and joint property rights in Myanmar

Many policy makers and academics striving for more gender equality consider joint property rights as preferable over sole rights, since the latter often discriminate against women. Several governments in low-, middle- and high-income countries have therefore imposed joint rights through modifications of statutory law or mandatory joint property registration. We...
2024 - International Food Policy Research Institute IFPRI

On International Women’s Day, Voices from the Slow Food Movement Show that Agroecology Is Key to Promoting Inclusion

“Inspire Inclusion”: That’s the theme of this year’s International Women’s Day, a particularly current and meaningful topic given the current sociopolitical and environmental crises through which we are living. “Food concerns us all. Yet the role of those who bring food to our tables, and especially the role of women within food...
2024 - Slow Food

Cultivating inclusive change for women in agriculture

How SCALA is strengthening gender-responsive climate action from local practices to national frameworks
The report underscores the pivotal role of women in agrifood systems globally, often serving as the backbone of employment and livelihoods, particularly in developing nations. Despite increasing recognition in climate plans, women still encounter marginalization and vulnerability in agriculture, facing low-skilled and informal work. Addressing this necessitates integrating gender considerations...
Cambodia - Colombia - Uganda
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Tropical Forest Issues - Agroforestry at work

"Why do many farmers still resist adopting and scaling agroforestry? Are the economic benefits not enough, or not perceived to be enough? Or are there other reasons? These are the questions that were asked when work began on Tropical Forest Issues 62. This issue contextualizes agroforestry in four introductory articles in...
2024 - Tropenbos International

مادة سمعية
L'espoir au delà des crises - Entrepreneuriat des femmes : développons le consommer local !

Dans ce podcast, Délia Diabangouaya, co­fondatrice de ChocoTogo au Togo et Maimouna Diori, fondatrice et directrice générale de la Laitière du Sahel au Niger nous racontent leur parcours, difficultés et espoirs en tant qu’entrepreneuses et grandes adeptes du consommer local. Elles nous parlent de la place primordiale des femmes dans la...
2024 - Comité Français pour la Solidarité Internationale

La femme rurale face aux défis d’irrigation

Agridigitale TV propose un documentaire inédit qui retrace les défis d’accès à l’eau et surtout à l’irrigation des femmes rurales et agricultrices des différentes régions du Togo. Véritable levier de renforcement de l’autonomie économique des femmes, l’irrigation est donc un enjeux majeur dans le secteur agricole togolais.

مادة سمعية
L'espoir au delà des crises - Environnement : les femmes, piliers du savoir agro-écologique

Si aujourd'hui on parle d’agroécologie, c'est grâce aux savoirs et pratiques des femmes rurales dans l'agriculture vivrière. Leur refuser le droit d’accès à la terre au profit de l’agrobusiness sonne le glas de notre santé environnementale et de notre souveraineté alimentaire. Comment préserver les savoir-faire ancestraux tout en les adaptant aux...
2024 - Comité Français pour la Solidarité Internationale

مقال صحفي
Rural household vulnerability and COVID-19: Evidence from India

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected vulnerable households’ livelihoods in developing countries. Using high-frequency phone survey data from the World Bank, we assess rural Indian households’ vulnerability and poverty status during the pandemic. Results reveal that over three-fifths of Indian rural households are vulnerable to poverty in the...
2024 - International Food Policy Research Institute

وثيقة فنية
Women’s Land Rights in Colombia

Securing Women’s Resource Rights through Gender Transformative Approaches
This paper reviews land governance in Colombia to examine how legal, institutional, and cultural frameworks influence women’s land rights. It reviews existing statutory regulations and institutional structures defining land rights in Colombia and their relevance for women. It will examine tenure interventions in Colombia and the existing gaps and constraints...
2024 - Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF)

صحيفة وقائع
Mali: Fostering Agricultural Productivity Project

This project introduced a range of renewable energy technologies to enhance the lives of rural people. Biogas digesters were coupled with latrines and slurry storage was developed. Sustainable bio slurry will replace chemical fertilizers, allowing households to save money and consume healthier foods. Biogas digesters also alleviate burdens on women...
2024 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

مادة سمعية
Autonomisation économique des femmes en Afrique

Réduire l’écart entre les sexes sur le marché du travail, pour assurer l’émancipation économique des femmes. Bien qu’elles enregistrent l’un des taux de participation au marché du travail parmi les plus élevés, les femmes d’Afrique subsaharienne sont toujours confrontées à de nombreux obstacles qui limitent leur accès à un emploi...
2024 - Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Making Climate-Smart Cocoa Inclusive: Towards a Framework for Gender Transformation

Climate-Smart Cocoa (CSC), a strategic offshoot of the wider Climate-Smart Agriculture, is gaining ground in Ghana, a cocoa export-dependent country. CSC is imperative, given the rapidly declining forests, prolonged periods of drought, pest and disease infestations, and fluctuating cocoa yields attributed to climate variability and change. Although many interventions are...
2024 - University of South Africa

The unjust climate

Measuring the impacts of climate change on rural poor, women and youth
Developing policies to foster inclusive rural transformation processes requires better evidence on how climate change is affecting the livelihoods and economic behaviours of vulnerable rural people, including women, youths and people living in poverty. In particular, there is little comparative, multi-country and multi-region evidence to understand how exposure to weather...
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Towards gender equality: A novel index to measure the empowerment of women in livestock keeping households

The Women’s Empowerment Livestock Index (WELI) is tailored for areas where livestock farming is prominent, aiming to assess the impact of livestock interventions on women's empowerment. By identifying effective interventions, the index seeks to improve empowerment opportunities for women in the sector, thereby enhancing household livelihoods, nutrition, and gender equity....
2024 - International Livestock Research Institute
Total results:2024