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يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

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مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
FAO supports Lao farmers to boost cattle trade to China

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), through its Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD), kicked off a two-week training course on animal quarantine management in Sing District, a border area between Lao People’s Democratic Republic and China. The training course aimed to accelerate safer cattle...
Lao People's Democratic Republic
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Building subnational capacities in animal health to deliver frontline cross-sectoral health services in Kenya

Operationalizing effective subnational veterinary services as major contributor to disease surveillance, reporting, diagnoses and One Health requires resources and mindset change. Here we describe workforce capacity building in animal health in Kenya and an approach that can be used to skill-up this workforce to respond beyond animal health challenges to...
2023 - Frontiers in Veterinary Science

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Letter From The Farm | The More-Than-Human Magic of Transhumance

The transhumance is a privileged moment between shepherd and animal, an experience like no other. Both parties know what is expected of them, coming together as a team, walking towards a common goal in symbiosis. Photo © Claire Jeannerat    
2023 - ARC2020

Towards Eradication of PPR: Disease Status, Economic Cost and Perception of Veterinarians in Karnataka, India

In this study, we assessed the PPR disease status, its economic cost, the financial viability of vaccination, and the perspectives of field veterinarians on the PPR vaccination programme implemented in Karnataka state, India. In addition to secondary data, cross-sectional surveys undertaken during 2016–17 (survey I) and 2018–19 (survey II) from...

Livestock farming in the European Union: supporting an ambitious transition to peasant farming

Livestock is the subject of widespread allegations regarding its responsibility for global warming. And yet authorisations for factory farms continue to be granted and there is still major confusion about the different types of livestock farming. This confusion, added to the call for people to eat "less but better meat",...
2023 - European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC)

نشرة إخبارية
Bulletin de veille thématique n°468 : Pastoralisme et environnement

La quête opiniâtre d’un monde équilibré et apaisé remet en selle un certain nombre de problématiques sensibles voire stratégiques. Stratégiques en raison de leur ambivalence, de la disparité des enjeux et intérêts qu’elles mobilisent, des vives conflictualités qu’elles génèrent et des approches scientifiques et socio-culturelles intégrées que requiert leur gestion....
2023 - Inter-Réseaux Développement Rural

موقع إنترنت
Organic farming systems_GENERAL Fiche

This general fiche summarises all the environmental and climate impacts of organic farming systems and specifically on organic livestock systems, found in a review of 30 synthesis research papers [1]. These papers were selected from an initial number of 220 obtained through a systematic literature search strategy, according to the inclusion criteria reported...
European Union
2023 - European Commission

La sécheresse au Maghreb: diagnostic, impacts et perspectives pour le renforcement de la résilience du secteur agricole

Le présent rapport vient contribuer aux efforts des Nations Unies et de ses agences pour renforcer la résilience du secteur de l’agricultureface aux effets sévères de la sècheresse, doublée des effets du changement climatique et son impact sur la survenue des extrêmes climatiques sèches. La sécheresse est un phénomène à...
Algeria - Libya - Mauritania - Morocco - Tunisia
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Feeding Insects for Organic Layers (OK-Net EcoFeed)

Feeding of insects offers new possibilities to overcome the protein gap in organic farming. As natural decomposers, insects can successfully transform organic waste. Large scale insect production is based on by-products from the agri-food industry which otherwise would be discarded or underexploited. The amino acid profile of insects corresponds to...
2023 - FiBLFilm

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Assessing the contribution of livestock systems to development in drylands: indicators for appropriate public policies

In drylands, scientific research shows that mobile livestock systems derive the maximum social, environmental and economic benefits from these areas. These systems ensure both short-term security in case of shocks and, in the right conditions, investment capacity. However, it is difficult to develop indicators to understand and assess their contribution...
2023 - Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD)

Assessment of community perceptions and risk to common zoonotic diseases among communities living at the human-livestock-wildlife interface in Nakuru West, Kenya: A participatory epidemiology approach

Zoonoses account for most of the emerging and re-emerging infections in Kenya and in other low to medium-income countries across the world. The human-livestock-wildlife interface provides a nexus where transmission and spread of these zoonotic diseases could occur among communities farming in these areas. We sought to identify perceptions of...

Regeneración Internacional llevará a cabo la tercera Cumbre Alimentaria de los Pueblos, en el Día Mundial de la Alimentación, el 16 de octubre de 2023

Esta será la tercera ocasión que Regeneration International realice la Cumbre Alimentaria de los Pueblos. Este evento único en su clase, es una gran celebración de 24 horas del Día Mundial de la Alimentación, el 16 de octubre de 2023, en la que participarán ponentes apasionantes de todas las regiones...
2023 - Regeneration International (RI)

The Resilience and Adaptation of Pastoralist Livestock Mobility in a Protracted Conflict Setting: West Darfur, Sudan

This paper focuses on the dynamics of pastoralist herd mobility in West Darfur State, Sudan, a region affected by persistent conflict. The paper examines the annual cycle and seasonal trajectories of mobility for camels, cattle, and sheep, comparing mobility patterns by livelihood specialisation and reviewing the mobility of multi-species herds....

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Drought in Kenya: millions of dollars did not save pastoralists

Across the arid landscape of northern Kenya, road signs proclaim projects aimed at building 'resilience' among pastoral communities. This is a region where frequent droughts, animal diseases, insecurity and structural exclusion affect all pastoral livelihoods.Resilience - the ability to transform or recover quickly from challenges - is the idea behind...

Over Time and Space: Hybrid Rangeland Governance in Amdo Tibet

Hybrid land governance, mosaics, polycentrism have become ways to describe contemporary rangeland settings - ways of responding to uncertainties through flexible institutions, overlapping boundaries and an assembled, plural bricolage of practices. However, this is frequently thought to be recent, often arising from more formal, regulated systems, whether state, private or...

Drought and Floods at Lake Turkana: an Anomaly for Pastoralists?

The water level of Lake Turkana, in northern Kenya, is rising. Is this impacting on the livelihoods of the pastoralists in the region? According to a report from UNDP (2021) and an article by the BBC (Inwood, 2022), portions of the coast and some villages are being submerged, while dry-river...

REPLAY - Et si l'élevage faisait partie de la solution ? Transition(s) - Ép.4

Retrouvez en vidéo notre émission Transition(s) consacrée à l’élevage. Au programme : une heure d’échanges avec nos invités, des éclairages, des reportages et des solutions concrètes qui montrent comment l’élevage peut contribuer à une transformation agroécologique systémique.
2023 - Fondation pour l'Agriculture et la Ruralité dans le Monde (FARM)

Resultados económicos de modelos productivos porcinos. Informe Nº 88. Noviembre 2023

Este documento elaborado en el marco del Proyecto “Caracterización de gestiones económicas de sistemas de producción agropecuarios de pequeña y mediana escala” (vigente desde enero del 2020) presenta estimaciones sobre comportamientos de resultados económicos de modelos productivos y tiene como propósito aportar información que favorezca la inclusión de productores, mejore...
2023 - Centro de Información de Actividades Porcinas (CIAP)

Reducing methane emissions in livestock systems in Asia and the Pacific – Enhancing national climate actions through the Global Methane Pledge

Workshop Report, Bangkok, Thailand, 24–26 October 2022
This report highlightes outcomes and recommendations provided during the FAO regional expert workshop “Enhancing national climate actions to reduce methane emissions in livestock systems in Asia and the Pacific”. The regional workshop was designed to help countries in Asia and the Pacific identify new opportunities to reduce methane emissions from...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

نشرة إخبارية
Family Farming Knowledge Platform (FFKP) Monthly Digest September 2023

The Family Farming Knowledge Platform (FFKP) Monthly Digest showcases the latest contents uploaded in the FFKP to provide its readers with relevant and up to date information on family farming main themes such as agroecology, smallscale fisheries, pastoralism, indigenous people, and more. For more documents, feel free to search in the...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Total results:1174