





如今的粮食和农业系统已成功地为全球市场提供了大量食物。然而,依靠大量外 部投入的资源密集型农业系统已导致大规模毁林、缺水、生物多样性丧失、土壤流失   和大量温室气体排放。尽管近期取得了重要进展,但是饥饿与极端贫困依然是关键的 全球性挑战。即使实现了减贫,普遍存在的不平等现象仍将阻碍贫困的根除。     生态农业作为粮农组织“可持续粮食和农业共同愿景”的有机组成部分,构成了 全球应对上述不稳定形势的关键要素,为满足今后大幅增加的粮食需要并确保“一个   都不落下”提供了一项独特举措。     生态农业是在设计与管理粮食和农业系统的同时应用生态与社会概念及原则的一 项综合性举措。生态农业努力优化植物、动物、人与环境之间的互动,同时兼顾可持   续和公平的粮食系统所需应对的社会方面内容。     生态农业不是一项新发明,可在二十世纪二十年代后的科学文献中找到踪迹,并 在家庭型农户的实践、促进可持续性的草根社会运动以及全世界各国的公共政策中得   到体现。在最近一段时间内,生态农业进入了国际性和联合国机构的讨论范畴。
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)


“生态农业提供了双赢的解决方案,既提高了生产力,又提升恢复力,还能更有效地利用自然资源”,联 合国粮农组织总干事何塞·格拉齐亚诺·达席尔瓦在 2014 年于罗马主办的“生态农业与粮食和营养安全” 国际研讨会上表示。本次曼谷的多方政策磋商会旨在进一步深化罗马会议上对相关问题的讨论。 来自亚太地区二十多个国家的公共部门、学术界、农户以及民间组织的代表们出席了本次研讨会。经过协 商,与会代表提出了一揽子建议以进一步推进本地区的生态农业发展。下面,我们将重点介绍磋商过程中 形成的最具代表性的建议。
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations


本政策简报综合了从关于小规模农 户(SSF)创新体系的深入文献综 述以及为期两天的专家协商中吸取 的经验。本次协商由贵格会联合国 办事处(QUNO)于 2015 年 5 月在 日内瓦主办。1 本文传达的关键信 息是,SSF 创新体系与其他更“正 式”的农业创新体系不同,2 这一 信息促使人们重新思考鼓励农业创 新的政策类型。
2015 - Quaker United Nations Office

Agroecological training on biofertilisers improves women’s livelihoods in Togo.

In the Plateaux region of Togo, the natural richness of the soil means that farming is the primary livelihood of those who live there. In the Kpélé Prefecture, in the south-west, the relatively mild climates and good rainfall should make it perfect for agriculture. However, the farming communities have witnessed...
np - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Combating climate change with Agroecology

Climate change remains the most significant challenge facing farmers in Benin. Irregular and unpredictable rains, coupled with prolonged droughts and increased incidents of high winds, are decimating crop production across many regions. 
np - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Bio gardening innovations: Food forests in Kenya are using modern forestry techniques to create food sovereignty and security

The holistic gardening project in Emuhaya, Western Kenya, is attracting local and international acclaim. Bio Gardening Innovations (BIOGI) is equipping smallholder farmers to break away from monocultures and create thriving, overflowing “food forests” on their farmland.
np - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

A pathway to food security: Tackling the Issue of Land Rights as a Pathway to Food Security in Uganda

Amplifying the voices of women farmers is proving an effective way to help tackle gender inequality and promote agroecology, helping small-scale farmers take back power over their land.
np - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Strengthening harvests: Soil and water conservation practices strengthen harvests in Tanzania highlands.

High rainfalls in mountainous agricultural regions trigger a need for intervention to help farmers confront food insecurity and restore and protect their soil. 
United Republic of Tanzania
np - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Changing the fortunes of farmers and families in Muranga's County, Kenya

The Organic Agriculture Centre of Kenya (OACK) saw that by providing the right skills, information and support, they could help small-scale farmers move away from subsistence farming and into thriving livelihoods that improve their local communities and the landscapes they live in
np - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Sustainable land management: Restoring community farmland in Uganda

KAFSCUL (Karamoja Agro-Farm Systems Consults), a private organization in Uganda, has been working with small-scale farmers in Jie County to improve soil fertility and make farmland more resilient to adverse weather conditions. 
np - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Bringing life back to the land:

Zimbabwean farmers revive stagnant farms through agroecology
The Shashe farms in the Runde catchment area of Zimbabwe extend across three villages. Since 2010, over 500 families from the region have worked alongside ZIMSOFF (Zimbabwe Smallholder Organic Farmers Forum) and AZTREC (Association of Zimbabwe Traditional Environmental Conversationists) to revive arid cattle-ranching land into rich, abundant food forests.
n.p. - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Agroecology: an effective approach to prisoner rehabilitation

Agricultural communities in Kenya are rehabilitating prisoners through agroecology in a bid to reduce reoffending and revive local independent coffee farms.
n.p. - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Strengthening the productive potential of farmers

Strengthening the productive potential of men and women farmers in arid and poor areas of the Sahel: The case of efficient and accessible agroecological practices in the county of Loga, Niger
n.p. - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Indigenous Terra Madre 2024 – Abya Yala Peoples : Our ways of life and knowledge are the best incubator for solutions to the global food crisis

Indigenous Terra Madre 2024 - Abya Yala Peoples : Our ways of life and knowledge are the best incubator for solutions to the global food crisis   ●      The ancestral peoples of Abya Yala, children of the Earth, are custodians of 80% of the planet’s biodiversity.     Indigenous Terra Madre 2024 - Abya Yala...
2024 - Slow Food

Газетная статья
Periodic Table of Food Initiative for generating biomolecular knowledge of edible biodiversity

The Periodic Table of Food Initiative addresses food biomolecular composition information gaps through a standardized, accessible and enabling platform based on analytical tools, data and capacity building. Data from 1,650 foods serve as starting point for demonstrating the capacity of this initiative to contribute to nutrition, health and food systems...
2024 - International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

Côte d’Ivoire : le maraîchage en transition agroécologique (épisode 2)

Les systèmes de cultures maraichers agroécologiques basés sur la diversité des espèces cultivées et le recours aux intrants biologiques permettent d’améliorer les revenus des producteurs tout en préservant leur santé et celle de leur environnement. La complexité des systèmes agroécologiques par rapport au système conventionnel nécessite un dialogue entre chercheurs...
Côte d'Ivoire
2024 - CIRAD

Grains of Life: How Chotanagpur's Adivasis Are Reviving Native Varieties of Rice

Farmers and local NGOs say the indigenous rice varieties that are fast becoming extinct have unique nutrition, climate-resilience to ensure food security in increasingly unpredictable weather.
Sundargarh (Odisha), Latehar (Jharkhand): Deep inside the lush sal forest in Odisha’s Sundargarh, Albisia Lakda, an Adivasi farmer living in Subdega block had divided the rice crop on her two-acre plot of farmland in two sections. With the monsoon fluctuating widely last year, parts of Odisha experienced long dry spells and crop failures. Now,...
2024 - The Wire

Desertos e pântanos alimentares na mira da Política Nacional de Abastecimento Alimentar

São considerados desertos alimentares lugares onde o acesso a alimentos in natura ou minimamente processados é difícil ou impossível. A Política Nacional de Abastecimento Alimentar (PNAAB) lançada por meio de um decreto do presidente Lula (PT), em dezembro, traz também o conceito de pântanos alimentares, locais onde predominam estabelecimentos que comercializam alimentos não saudáveis,...
2024 - Brasil de Fato

N°85 : Sur la piste des transitions agroécologiques. Quels chemins parcourus ?

Nouveau numéro de Grain de sel consacré aux transitions agroécologique en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre : quels chemins parcourus depuis 10 ans ? Les sillons du changement, des obstacles toujours complexes, les voix qui comptent. En partenariat avec l'Iram. Il y a 10 ans, Inter-réseaux consacrait un numéro de...
2024 - Inter-Réseaux Développement Rural

Quels outils pour mesurer l’impact de la transition agroécologique au Nord et au Sud ?

Pour atténuer le changement climatique, un des leviers reconnus par le GIEC consiste en l’adoption de modes de production agricole qui favorisent la séquestration du carbone dans les sols, améliorent leur santé et leur résilience, grâce, en particulier, à l’agroécologie.Les systèmes de « suivi – évaluation » (Monitoring Reporting Verifying, MRV[1]) sont une...
2024 - Fondation pour l'Agriculture et la Ruralité dans le Monde (FARM)
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