




Senior Officials Meeting on Family Farming of CELAC. Final Declaration

The countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) met in the First Senior Officials Meeting on Family Farming, on 5th and 6th November 2013, in Brasilia.
2013 - Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC)

Agencia Plurinacional de Comunicación (APC)

El Plan Nacional Indígena Originario de Comunicación que se desarrolla desde 1996/97 en Bolivia por impulso de las Confederaciones Nacionales Indígenas Originarias Campesinas, ha dado lugar en un proceso progresivo a la estucturación de un Sistema Plurinacional de Comunicación Indígena Originario Campesino Intercultural. En mas de 12 años se ha...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2013 - Agencia Plurinacional de Comunicación (APC)

Improving governance of forest tenure

A practical guide
The FAO Governance of Tenure Technical Guides are part of FAO’s initiative to help develop capacities to improve tenure governance and thereby assist countries in applying the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security. The FAO Governance...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Indigenous Knowledge, Practices and Customary Norms of Fire Management In Tanzania

A Study in Nine Villages
The FAO-Finland Programme is supporting Tanzania in its efforts towards developing and implementing national efforts on integrated fire management as a key factor to reduce deforestation and forest degradation. All stakeholders1 see the fire situation in Tanzania as complex, difficult, widespread and of significant concern. The detail of the fire...
United Republic of Tanzania
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Indigenous Peoples’ food systems & well-being

interventions & policies for healthy communities
In this book you will find an inspiring array of methods, processes and activities that can mobilize leaders and their communities. The book will assist them in understanding their ecosystems and, whenever and however possible, using their local food to experience the benefits it gives to cultural expression, food security...

Situación de los derechos a la tierra y al territorio de los pueblos indígenas en el Paraguay

El presente trabajo tiene el modesto propósito de mostrar la situación de los derechos territoriales (de propiedad y posesión colectivos) de los pueblos indígenas sobre sus tierras, considerando el marco jurídico que ha ido evolucionando desde la entrada en vigencia de la Constitución de la República, pasando por la adhesión...
2013 - Tierra Viva

La agroecología como respuesta a las potencialidades y retos de la agricultura indígena y campesina en el distrito de riego El Triángulo del sur del Tolima

El Distrito de Riego del Triángulo del Tolima (DRTT) se constituye en el nuevo marco de potencialidades y retos para la agricultura en el Sur del Tolima. Este proyecto de irrigación en gran escala del Ministerio de Agricultura está siendo construido entre los municipios de Natagaima, Coyaima y Purificación, zona...
2013 - Grupo Semillas

The Art of Dar HD -The most exclusive gourmet products from Transylvania

The Art of Dar combines the highest quality Transylvanian foods and crafts. It has successfully used a news story, provoking media interest, to raise the profile of Transylvanian products in general and it was created as an innovative way of found raising.  The product line was launched at the SIAL global...
2013 - ADEPT Fundation


Beyond food
Some may view indigenous communities as being conservative and backwards. However, the Kabekwa in Costa Rica show that such communities can be adaptable and innovative. In response to changing circumstances, this community has been adapting its farming practices constantly, benefiting from it in multiple ways.
Costa Rica
2013 - AgriCultures Network

La territorialidad tz’utujil frente a la expansión de la caña de azúcar

El presente trabajo tematiza la expansión del monocultivo de la caña de azúcar en las tierras bajas del litoral pacífico de Suchitepéquez en territorios ancestralmente tz’utujiles, que incluyen el altiplano de Sololá. Para poder enfatizar en la territorialidad maya tz’utujil frente a las actividades agro-extractivas cañeras, la investigación da cuenta...
2013 - Instituto de Estudios Agrarios y Rurales (IDEAR)

Xuanhua Traditional Vineyards System

Garden cultivation of Xuanhua milk grapes, with a long history of 1,300 years of cultivation in the local area, and which mainly includes the traditional technology of funnel frames and polyclonal hole-planting methods, has extremely important historical value and cultural connotations. The plantations are mainly distributed in Guanhou village, Penyao...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Revista Mundos Rurales, agosto 2013, n° 9: Reforma agraria en Bolivia, apuntes y perspectivas

Este número de Mundos Rurales incluye artículos sobre: A 60 años de la Reforma Agraria en Bolivia: cambio y continuidad. Situación de las mujeres y los jóvenes en el acceso a la tierra en altiplano y valles. El agrarismo y el territorio indígena. Mujeres: tierra, educación y participación política. Reforma agraria y la reconfiguración de...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2013 - Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesinado (CIPCA)

Traditional Gudeuljang Irrigated rice terraces in Cheongsando

Traditionally, Cheongsando Island had an agricultural environment that was somewhat disadvantageous for paddy agriculture due to steep slopes, sandy soil with rocks and rapid drainage, and a scarcity of water for paddy farming. “Gudeuljangnon,” a product of efforts of Cheongsando Island residents, are rice paddies created by re-engineering the natural...
Republic of Korea
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

PRODERPA: Curso de identificación y formulación de proyectos

UCAR - MAGyP: El siguiente video muestra imágenes del Curso de identificación y formulación de proyectos para jóvenes aborígenes de pueblos originarios de la Patagonia, que se llevó a cabo en las provincias de Neuquén, Río Negro y Chubut, durante los meses de septiembre del 2012 a abril del 2013....
2013 - Unidad para el Cambio Rural (UCAR)

Managing Aso Grasslands for Sustainable Agriculture

The Aso Grasslands are located in Aso region of Kumamoto Prefecture, which situates in the middle of the Kyushu Island in Japan. Aso region spreads around active volcanic craters and huge caldera. The Aso volcano has one of the world’s largest caldera stretching 18 km from east to west and...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Traditional tea-grass integrated system in Shizuoka

“Chagusaba”(“semi-natural grasslands”) represents an exemplary system of traditional agricultural techniques, where grasslands are maintained around tea fields to supply mulch that improves the quality of tea cultivation. Chagusaba is a rare example of codependence between agricultural production and biodiversity, each of which enhances the other’s value (See Photo 1). For...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Tenure of indigenous peoples territories and REDD+ as a forestry management incentive

The case of Mesoamerican countries
Programmes to reduce emissions from deforestation and ecosystem degradation, such as REDD+ and other forestry incentive programmes, including Payment for Environmental Services (PES), could represent an opportunity to strengthen processes of conservation, sustainable usage and poverty reduction in the Mesoamerican region, particularly in indigenous territories and communities. Analysing the context...

Indigenous methods of food preparation: what is their impact on food security and nutrition?

This online discussion on indigenous methods of food preparation held an interesting previous discussion on how indigenous knowledge systems can be used to improve agricultural productivity and food security among rural poor communities. However, we did not touch on how communities use this knowledge that is passed from generation to...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Boletín de agricultura familiar para América Latina y el Caribe, Octubre-Diciembre 2013

Un elemento central para impulsar la producción pecuaria familiar en muchas zonas rurales y completar un círculo virtuoso es el fomento de las compras públicas de alimentos de origen animal (leche, carne, huevos) a los productores familiares y su vinculación a los programas de alimentación escolar y de educación nutricional....
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Ecuador - El Salvador - Peru - Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
2013 - Oficina Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe (FAO/RLC)

Where GIAHS takes place

In this edition, we will take a deeper look on various project interventions to revitalize local communities, stories from the field, hopes and aspirations of local peoples (Philippines, Noto peninsula in Japan, the win-win model of the Chinese) as well as activities leading to social learning process, knowledge transmission and...
Total results:925