




Un SPG au Sénégal, une alternative citoyenne quand le cadre politique manque

En Afrique de l’Ouest, les terres agricoles certifiées comme biologiques sont rares, représentant seulement 0,1 % au Sénégal, 0,5 % au Bénin et au Burkina Faso et 1 % au Togo. Néanmoins, un grand nombre de petites exploitations familiales choisissent des approches respectueuses de l’environnement et de la santé humaine...
2024 - Humundi

Газетная статья
Women's seed entrepreneurship in aquaculture, maize, and poultry value chains in Ghana, Kenya, and Tanzania

Seed systems are essential to bring good genetic material to farmers. Women farmers, however, have benefited less than men farmers from seed systems in low and middle income countries. We identify factors that inhibit and promote women's success in seed businesses through three case studies of women's and men's entrepreneurship...
Ghana - Kenya - United Republic of Tanzania

Le paradoxe des données climatiques en Afrique de l’Ouest, plus que jamais urgentes mais de moins en moins accessibles

Les données relatives au climat et à l’agriculture n’ont jamais été aussi importantes pour aider les populations à prévoir les aléas climatiques et réfléchir à la meilleure façon de s’adapter. L’essor de nouvelles technologies a permis de multiplier les façons de les collecter. Mais par un triste paradoxe, alors que...
2024 - CIRAD

Promotion de l’agriculture familiale en Afrique de l’Ouest : aller vers la consommation massive de produits locaux

En Afrique de l’Ouest, face à la croissance rapide des villes et à une demande accrue de la part des consommateurs urbains et ruraux, les systèmes alimentaires fondés sur l’agriculture familiale renforcent déjà dans nombre d’endroits la capacité d’un pays ou d’une région à nourrir ses populations par la production...
2024 - Fondation de France

Important energy plants of Zimbabwe

This poster on important energy plants of Zimbabwe focus on energy, protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, zinc and energy. 
2024 - Food Plant Solutions

Understanding Agency Within Context: The Case of Breeding Cooperatives Program for Transforming Small Ruminant Value Chain in Ethiopia

The role of agency in women’s empowerment, whether individual or collective, has long been at the center of feminist discourse. Although, highly context dependent, studies on agency are less contextualized. Based on mixed methods, we generated in-depth understandings of what constitutes agency in livestock-based institutions, and associated contextual factors across...

Young changemakers revolutionise scaling agroecology using video

Access Agriculture is proud to announce the release of its new book “Young changemakers,” which offers a rich diversity of perspectives and insights from real-life experiences of 42 inspiring teams of youths in Africa and India who are blazing a trail as private extension and advisory service providers promoting agroecology...
2024 - Access Agriculture

Access Agriculture Panorama - April 2024

Highlights: • Young changemakers revolutionise scaling agroecology using video. • CCDB honours Access Agriculture with plaque in appreciation of partnership. • 96 new videos added in March. • Editor's choice of video - Converting chicken waste into fertilizer• Entrepreneurs for Rural Access (ERAs) at work in Cameroon. • Trash to treasure....
2024 - Access Agriculture

Young people, livelihood building and the transformation of African agriculture: A reality check

Over a ten-year period, we, together with colleagues, have used qualitative and quantitative analysis to explore the dominant narratives and ‘conventional wisdom’ about young people and agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Throughout, we have sought to carefully consider the conceptualisations embedded in these narratives, their empirical foundations, and their implications...

The importance and determinants of purchases in rural food consumption in Africa: Implications for food security strategies

We analyze rural households’ purchases of food (cereals and non-cereals) in Sub-Saharan Africa using nationally representative data with 65,000 observations covering 7 countries over a decade. We distinguish between three strata of countries: lower stratum in income and urbanization, middle stratum, and upper stratum. The paper breaks ground by the...

knomana.org - Plants for pest and disease management

In Africa, there is a great deal of ancestral knowledge about the pesticide or antibiotic effects of local plants, but scientific research is very fragmented. Scientists from CIRAD and IRD have therefore created a website that organises the knowledge from more than 700 documents. However, they warn against the use...
2024 - Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD)

实 践
How to make organic pesticide Muokozi - A Guide on how to prepare an organic pesticide (Muokozi) from locally available materials

Why Muokozi?It is natural extracts from medicinal plants and spices mixed to control insect pests and diseases that have been used for years in the context of Zanzibar Agriculture.After many years of using agricultural chemicals, the farmers themselves realized the negative effect of excessive use of chemicals in crop production....
United Republic of Tanzania
2024 - Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM)

Bundling of inputs and services for sustainable smallholder agriculture: the concepts, theoretical arguments and bundle designs using conjoint analysis

Product bundling is receiving increasing attention in sustainable agricultural development as a means to ensure access to and enhance the uptake of, agricultural technologies by smallholders. Yet, the how and why of bundling for smallholders are not well-understood. The current paper, therefore, brings bundling theory from the marketing literature to...

Onions from Agadez

Whenever somebody has a monopoly over a certain food crop, or tries to create one, sooner or later other people will pop up to compete. The red onion variety, Violet de Galmi, originally comes from the village of Galmi, a small community in Niger, about 500 kilometres east of Niamey close...
2024 - Access Agriculture

Sols acidifiés : les agriculteurs africains en quête de régénération

À travers l'Afrique, un nombre croissant de fermiers se tourne vers des experts en sciences du sol pour contrer l’acidification croissante de leurs terres, phénomène qu'ils attribuent en grande partie à l’usage intensif des engrais chimiques. Parmi les solutions recommandées le retour aux pratiques agricoles traditionnelles pour restaurer l'équilibre.

Dans les pays du Sud, la transition agroécologique au défi du financement

Alors que l’insécurité alimentaire repart à la hausse et que le concept de souveraineté agricole fait craindre un repli sur soi et sur nos assiettes, le déficit de financement pour des systèmes alimentaires durables est immense. En particulier dans les pays du Sud, où des défis majeurs et interdépendants se...

Promoting hygiene and quality for fishery and aquaculture value chains

Mauritania’s highly favorable hydro-climatic conditions mean that its coasts are reputed to be among the world’s richest in fish, with an exploitable potential of 1,830,140 tons of all species, including 1,383,000 tons of small pelagic resources (GT IMROP 2019). This significant fisheries resource has made the fishing sector a strategic...
2024 - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Diversité des exploitations agricoles d’oasis de montagne : une analyse par le travail, les revenus et le couplage entre cultures et élevage

Les oasis de montagne d’Afrique du Nord subissent de plein fouet les effets du changement climatique, qui amplifient l’ensemble des contraintes agronomiques : foncier exigu, aridité structurelle, etc. Dans cette étude, l’objectif est d’analyser les différentes dimensions du couplage entre cultures et élevage et leurs effets sur le fonctionnement des systèmes de...
2024 - CIRAD

Farmers require skills to process pesticides, fertilisers

The article highlights the importance of equipping Tanzanian farmers with the skills to produce natural pesticides and fertilizers, emphasizing the benefits of organic farming. Experts from the Sustainable Agriculture Association Tanzania (SAT) advocate for using locally available resources to create affordable and eco-friendly agricultural inputs, which can improve crop yields...
United Republic of Tanzania

In sub-Saharan Africa, ‘forgotten’ foods could boost climate resilience, nutrition

A recent Mongabay article highlights the potential of "forgotten" food crops in sub-Saharan Africa to enhance climate resilience and nutrition. The research identified 52 underutilized crops, such as the spider plant, that are more resilient to climate change and nutritionally superior to staples like maize and rice. These crops could...
Total results:3675