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First Asia Pacific Food Regulatory Authority Summit takes place in Seoul

Ministers and representatives of seven countries gathered in Seoul, Republic of Korea on 10-11 May 2023 to establish a ministerial level food regulators coalition in the Asia-Pacific region.  The Asia Pacific Food Regulatory Authority Summit (APFRAS) has been convened to address common challenges in the food sector such as food policy, emerging food technology and safe trade. Delegates attending first APFRAS session, Seoul 10-11 May 2023 Australia, China, New Zealand, Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam and the Republic of Korea reached consensus on the [...]
12 May 2023

CCAFRICA / Codex think tank meets in Mahe, Seychelles

By John Oppong-Otoo, Food Safety Officer at AU-IBAR and Hakim Mufumbiro, Regional Coordinator CCAFRICA The Codex Africa Think tank comprised of 12 Member States (Cameroon, Egypt, Kenya, Morocco, Senegal, Seychelles, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, The Gambia, Uganda and Zambia), Regional Economic Communities with observer status in Codex (Economic Community for West African States and Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) and representatives from the African Union met from 15 to 17 March 2023 in Mahe, Seychelles to reflect on the [...]
23 April 2023

FAO announces new brochure and strategic priorities on food safety at CCFA

FAO has now issued a brochure that describes its work on food safety. Safe food for everyone – FAO’s work on food safety: science, standards and good practices is available in two formats (pdf and digital) and six languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish). “FAO’s food safety priorities highlights the importance of Codex Alimentarius for food safety at a global scale and emphasizes that indeed Food safety is everyone’s business,” said Angeliki Vlachou, FAO Food Safety Officer, in unveiling [...]
27 March 2023

CCFA53 / FAN Yongxiang says Hong Kong meeting will strengthen international friendship and collaboration beyond Codex

As delegates gather in Hong Kong for the 53rd session of the Codex Committee on Food Additives (CCFA53), which runs from 27-31 March 2023, Chairperson FAN Yongxiang, China, sat down with the Codex Secretariat to look ahead to the meeting. What will it be like returning to a physical meeting? I believe all delegates are keen to meet in person after three years of virtual discussion and the challenges of meeting across different time zones. We have to admit that physical meetings [...]
22 March 2023

Mock Codex sessions aid training for Timor Leste Codex Trust Fund project

In Timor Leste a four-day mock Codex committee session has taken place this week as part of training to help the country’s Codex representatives understand how Codex works and how to participate effectively in Codex sessions. The training is supported by the World Health Organization (WHO) as part of the Timor Leste Codex Trust Fund (CTF) project. Timor Leste is the newest Member of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The mock session saw the supposed 3rd session of the Codex Committee on [...]
17 March 2023

Continent-wide webinar focuses on how improved food safety is essential to achieve nutrition targets and end malnutrition

By Lusibilo Witson MWAMAKAMBA WHO The African Union Commission (AUC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) held a successful webinar on 23rd February 2023 in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Food Programme (WFP) and the Codex Coordinating Committee for Africa (CCAFRICA). The webinar was held on the heels of the recently concluded African Union Year of Nutrition, 2022 and highlighted the inextricable links between food safety and nutrition to achieve optimal health [...]
14 March 2023

El Salvador engages all stakeholders for 2023 Codex Programme

The Salvadoran Agency for Technical Regulation (OSARTEC), Codex El Salvador Contact Point, held a workshop on 20 February 2023 to plan the 2023 National Codex Programme.   Read the news on the OSREATEC web site in English and in Spanish Photo credit ©OSRATEC
14 March 2023

FAO/WHO webinar will unveil new cell-based food report that starts the safety assessment

On 5 April 2023, the FAO/WHO Scientific Advice Programme will release a new publication entitled “Food safety aspects of cell-based food” in a webinar that is open to Codex Members and Observers. Animal-based meat production has evolved over thousands of years to meet the demand for safe and affordable sources of protein. Cell-based food production, which is the field of growing animal agricultural products directly from cell cultures, is being explored as a sustainable alternative or complement to conventional livestock [...]
05 March 2023

Gambia Launches National Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Committee

Abdoulie Jallow, Senior Scientific Officer Food Safety and Quality Authority, Gambia The National Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Committee of the Gambia was launched on 21st of February 2023, at a ceremony held at the premises of the Food Safety and Quality Authority of the Gambia. SPS Measures are vital instruments used by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and other relevant international multilateral agencies to ensure food safety, protection of plants and animals from pests and diseases and the facilitation of international agricultural [...]
28 February 2023

CCRVDF26 / A very productive and successful meeting

The Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods (CCRVDF) took place in Portland, Oregon, United States of America from 13 to 17 February 2023. Making her debut as Chairperson, Brandi Robinson, from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine, congratulated delegates at the end of the meeting on “an impressive amount of work in just three days of plenary”. The Committee advanced maximum residue limits (MRLs) for ivermectin in sheep, pigs, and goats and MRLs for [...]
21 February 2023