Flexible Voluntary Contribution (FVC)

Community listeners’ clubs empower rural women and men


Give women access to information and the possibility to communicate and they will change the world. That is the premise behind the FAO Dimitra community listeners’ clubs – groups of rural women, but also men and young people, who meet regularly to discuss development issues and challenges, and to find solutions together. Working with community radio stations, which produce interactive radio programmes in local languages to increase knowledge and understanding of issues important for the communities’ lives and livelihoods, the listeners’ clubs empower their members to become actors of their own development. The clubs are equipped with windup, solar-powered radios and, in some cases, fleets of solar-charged cell phones. As the members discuss topics, sharing their concerns, priorities and needs, their conversations are aired live on the partnering radio station or recorded for later broadcast. This stimulates discussions in other clubs – in turn aired by the radio station – focusing on concrete actions that can be taken in the community and keeping the conversation going among all the Dimitra listeners’ clubs in the area. This in turn encourages members to become ever more engaged in the topic at hand.

1. No poverty, 2. Zero hunger, 5. Gender equality

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