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Webinar Recording - Life Cycle Assessment for sustainable food systems: integrating nutritional and environmental assessment (27 October 2021)
Full recording from the Webinar 'Life Cycle Assessment for sustainable food systems..." on 27 October 2021...
(Video) The SFS-MED Platform: Sustainable Food Systems in the Mediterranean
The SFS-MED Platform offers a forum to facilitate collaboration beyond the Food Systems Summit. It is a multi-stakeholder initiative, by CIHEAM, FAO and UfMS, and shares a common approach to food systems transformation...
Webinar Recording: National processes shaping food systems transformation (7 October 2021)
Full recording from the Webinar "National processes shaping food systems transformation. Lessons from Costa Rica, Ireland and Rwanda Presentation of report and country case studies" on 7 October 2021...  
National processes shaping food systems transformations
This publication provides an insight into the direction and the process of food system transformation...
Costa Rica’s journey towards sustainable food systems
The case study analyze the process of food system transformation, with the key capabilities required...
Ireland’s journey towards sustainable food systems
This case study wants to drive inspiration from the processes that transformed Ireland’s food system to help other countries adopting practices for their own journey towards sustainable food systems...
Rwanda's journey towards sustainable food systems
Governments and food system actors, from civil society, private sector, research and education are called  to work together to enhance sustainability, resilience and inclusiveness of food systems. Key lessons from food, agriculture and environment-related institutional mechanisms, programmes and policies in Rwanda are presented...
Food Systems Summit Dialogue Recording - 28 June Global Dialogue
Global Dialogue: Empowering Cities and Local Governments to improve food systems globally (28 June 2021)
Podcast: Sustainable private investments in food systems
In developing countries, and particularly in Africa, farmers, processors and other actors in the agriculture sector struggle to access the financial resources needed to accelerate progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to increase resilience to global shocks.
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