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Thanks to the MJUMITA network, small-scale producers (such as beekeepers and charcoal producers) are expanding their businesses through capacity building and better market access. Communities benefit from natural...


A new organic coffee brand, Bolivian Cafecito, was founded through capacity building, quality control efforts and strengthened partnerships amongst small farmers, the National Association of Coffee Producers, and...


This video describes how forest and farm organizations in Forest and Farm Facility partner countries have helped their community members in rural area adapt and innovate during the COVID-19 pandemic.

From laissez–faire to organized groups – A short history of sustainable charcoal producer associations in Kenya and Zambia

Published by the Center for International Forestry Research, this Sustainable Woodfuel Brief gives an overview of the development of charcoal producer associations in Kenya and Zambia, with key lessons learned...

Diversification for climate resilience – thirty options for forest and farm producer organisations

The report reviews the global literature on climate resilience and outlines practical options for organizations to become more resilient - often also mitigating climate change, including what they do, how...

Forest and farm producer organizations building resilience – strength in numbers and landscapes

This report presents case studies for three domains in which forest and farm producer organizations are helping smallholders build climate resilience: increasing the viability of livelihoods, managing crises, and creating...

Policy brief: Forest and farm producers – climate change sentinels

This brief argues that grassroots organizations – which represent millions of families who earn their living from smallholder forests and farms – already support rural producers to cope with climate-related threats...

30 resilience options – diverse ways for grassroots organizations to flourish in the face of climate change

The need to adapt to the changing climate is urgent in order to safeguard livelihoods, food systems and the planet. There are 30 clear, practical actions forest and farm producer...

IIED country case studies

These climate resilience case studies were prepared by forest and farm producer organizations (FFPOs) in the partner countries of the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF). 

Video interview of farmers teaching farmers to value trees

Forest farmer exchange visits play a significant role in sharing new ideas and techniques to encourage the sustainable incorporation of trees into farm landscapes. On behalf of the Forest and...

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