Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

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    • To maximise productivity small farmer has to be trained in BMP( Better management prcatices) and also with timely inputs. There is no doubt that developing nations and LDP countries have these in majority and are more sustainable reducing environmental impacts of large scale cultivation.  am sharing my inputs on sugarcane studied for India which could be useful as its generic:

      Sugarcane Production and manufacturing is a multi stakeholder process involving Farmer at the initial end, Scientists, Agronomists, Labor, farm equipment manufacturers, Logistic men, Agro Chemical manufacturers, Sugar Technologists and Mill managements at the bottom. The Role of everyone in the link plays critical role in enhancing Industry’s bottom line.

      The Article tries to understand gaps and suggest possibilities to this Crop which sweetens world populace but inherently driven by National policies.

      Indian Sugarcane can reinvent itself following Sustainable practices by involving all stakeholders to collectively enhance its reputation.

      Deficit can only be addressed by collective representation and redressal practices, which can be learned from multiple models in Brazil, Australia, Thailand, Caribbean and Cuban examples.