全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Greetings to everybody, I wanted to add my welcome to my co-facilitator Ekaterina.  I feel very lucky that Ekaterina has joined as a facilitator -- though it means you all are now in the hands of an economist and a lawyer!  

As Ektaterina points out, the relationship between food security and trade rules is complex.  We welcome input from all disciplines and from all stakeholders to help us gain a better understanding of how these two broad areas relate to one another.  Given the diversity of situations amongst and within countries we want to hear your experience with how trade rules have helped, challenged, hindered your quest for food security and a sustainable food system.

Let us know if there are particular ways in which we can help facilitate the conversation. In the meantime, we look forward to your contributions and will jump in with our comments and questions as well.

