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Women need to begin with family support and encouragement, skilling/training followed by handholding and linking with markets to channel the products made by them, be it food stuffs/pickles, textiles or garments/ handicrafts. In India, sewing garments offers good potential to rural women, where they can work in groups and enjoy the work and earning. But this to happen successfully they need all kinds of support which must come to them by international, national or local agencies like Rural Banks. I was impressed to read this blog from The World Bank, Stitching Dreams: In Tamil Nadu, Rural Women Show the Way to Start Up India (http://blogs.worldbank.org/endpovertyinsouthasia/stitching-dreams-tamil…). The collective actions by agricultural and rural development agenices including the banks may help bring the gender transformative impact. Also,  It is worth to mention the role of microcredit for rural women, considering the transformative impact of Yunus's Grammen Bank on women  in Bangladesh. Apart from economics or financial gains, Socially, small loans from Yunus’s Grameen Bank have also proven transformative. women Borrowers from poorer segments are required to go to a weekly meeting where they meet with 30 to 40 other women. At these meetings, they not only make repayments on their loans but also make new friends, get support for their small businesses and learn how to speak up for themselves. They agree to abide by Grameen’s “Sixteen Decisions” that include making dramatic lifestyle changes such as building a latrine, growing more vegetables, keeping their families small and sending their children to school. While these are impossible goals for many women to accomplish completely, they provide a vision of a better life and a pathway (https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/the-impact-of-microcredit-on-w… ).

 The programmes which offer opportunities of more development oriented interactions among women like the cases mentioned above may have grater transformative impact on women, while showing them the way of independent thinking and entrepreneurship.