全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Cités Unies France

组织: Cités Unies France
国家: 法国
I am working on:

Cités Unies France (CUF), “French United local governments” is a federation of French local and regional governments involved in international relations and, in particular, in decentralized co-operation.

Cités Unies France aims at promoting local democracy, peace, international solidarity, and a strong and genuine participation of the population in local affairs. It also firmly believes cities and other levels of local and regional government can only win by exchanging on challenges that face them all over the world.


    • Within the global consultation on Habitat III - The third conference on sustainable habitat - french local governments have been consulted to express their priorities for the New Urban Agenda.

      However, as territories, their impact and areas of action go beyond the mere urban area, and local governements have insisted on the connexion between cities, periurban area and rural area. Their role is also to ensure the governance of territories through the coordination of the different level of organiza

      Therefore we wish to share this consultation as a contribution for the forum on "Urbanization and transformation and implication for food security", as thinking about the evolution of the interaction within a local territory, necessarely implies a reflexion on localized food system, and how the rural area has to be in tune with urban area to secure local food.