الشراكة العالمية من أجل التربة

يسلط الضوء على أرشفة

Today is a historic day for the soil science community as FAO joined the International Union of Soil Sciences in the Celebration of the World Soil Day by organizing, as part of the 145 session of the FAO Council, a side event at its Headquarters in Rome entitled “Securing healthy soils for a food secure world: a day dedicated to soils”.

Simultaneously, the FAO Council endorsed the request of declaring 5December as a UN World Soil Day. The resolution will next be discussed in the FAO Conference, before being submitted to the UN General Assembly in September 2013.


“Because it’s everywhere, we tend to overlook the fact that soil is a limited natural resource”

Soil is a finite natural resource. On a human time-scale it is non-renewable. However, despite the essential role that soil plays in the life of people, there is increasing degradation of soil resources due to inappropriate practices, burgeoning population pressures and inadequate governance over this essential resource.


The vision: Improve governance of the limited soil resources of the planet in order to guarantee healthy and productive soils for a food secure world, as well as support other essential ecosystem services, in accordance with the sovereign right of each State over its natural resources. The GSP should become an interactive and responsive partnership.

The mission: Develop awareness and contribute to the development of capacities, build on best available science, and facilitate/contribute to the exchange of knowledge and technologies among stakeholders for the sustainable management and use of soil resources.


NEW ! Soil video “Soils: a hidden resource” and an animation for the World Soil Day, available in English, French and Spanish are now available. See below.


Soil resources are limited and need to be preserved for feeding the growing population of the world by 2050.

Maintaining healthy soils required for feeding the growing population of the world and meeting their needs for biomass (energy), fiber, fodder, and other products can only be ensured through a strong partnership.
