
Fill out the 10 Minute Questionnaire Survey on the Revised World Soil Charter

The report is available online.


The deadline for completing the survey on the Revised World Soil Charter has been slightly extended until the 22 April 2018 to ensure the highest participation possible.


Unanimously endorsed at the 39th FAO Conference in June 2015, the revised World Soil Charter (WSC) contains guidelines for action by stakeholders at all levels. The purpose of the revised WSC is to inform decision-making at the global scale and foster the implementation of sustainable soil management (SSM) at the regional/local levels.

The Global Soil Partnership has launched a short survey on the revised World Soil Charter a few weeks ago. The outcomes of the survey will be presented at the 6th GSP Plenary Assembly (June 2018) and will be used to evaluate the impact of GSP initiatives and plan future activities.

Please contact the GSP Secretariat for any questions or if you are experiencing any trouble with the survey.

--- Access the survey ---


The report is available online.