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The Lao People's Democratic Republic has launched the Global Soil Doctors Programme, a collaborative effort involving various stakeholders, including the Lao´s Department of Agricultural Land Management, the FAO country office, and FAO's Global Soil Partnership. The programme, initiated in September 2023, focuses on enhancing sustainable soil management and addressing rural community needs.


The Global Soil Doctors Programme tackles the urgent issue of soil degradation, a threat to one-third of the world's soils. Explore the critical link between soil health and our food sources, the innovative solutions offered by the programme, empowering farmers with knowledge and skills to independently address soil degradation issues.


Discover the inspiring journey of the Soil and Fertilizer Society of Thailand, awarded the prestigious King Bhumibol World Soil Day Award in 2023. In 2022, their commitment was reflected in a variety of activities, including the 7th National Soil and Fertilizer Conference, symposia, workshops, educational projects and exhibitions on soil, water and forests. Emphasizing cooperation and unity, they conducted 301 field activities, presented art exhibitions, organized cultural events and participated in 250 activities with farmers.


The Glinka World Soil Prize, presented on World Soil Day, highlights the vital role of healthy soils for a healthy life amid the global push to combat soil degradation. The 2023 laureate is Professor Ravendra Naidu, a distinguished scientists with over three decades of commitment to advancing soil contamination studies. His contributions to soil science encompass research, innovation, education, and advocacy.


Explore the magical relationship between water and soil in this captivating video, enhanced by poetical lyrics and stop motion animation. Witness the dynamic interaction as the soil responds to the power of a summer storm and dive into the mysteries of the water contained beneath our feet, filling riverbeds under sunny skies.


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