Form for submitting policy decisions to FAPDA

Through this form users can submit policy decisions related to agriculture and food security and nutrition to FAPDA attention. Please note that policy decisions submitted through this form will undergo validation from the FAPDA team before being published into the FAPDA tool.

Fields with an * are required fields

Contact Information
Your NameCe champ est obligatoire
EmailCe champ est obligatoire
Contact Number
CountryCe champ est obligatoire
Basic Feature of the policy
Please describe in English, French or Spanish what is the policy about, in a brief paragraph. Objective, total budget and list of beneficiaries of the policy is helpful information that should be listed here, if available.
Policy descriptionCe champ est obligatoire
DateCe champ est obligatoire
Policy announced or implemented ?
Please name the source for this information
Source NameCe champ est obligatoire
Specify URL and/or Attachment
More url links are allowed. Please use ; to separate them.
URL link
Note / Comments
Security code