
欧洲水产品价格报告 -2023年7月
欧洲水产品价格报告 - 2023 年 6 月
In September, the summer holidays are over in Europe, and importers are preparing for the Christmas sales period. However, the market is very volatile, as the impact of inflation on the seafood market, including during the main festivities, is likely to be severe. Prices of seafood are generally going up, with a few exceptions, which include cod products and shrimp, for which demand continues to be low. In the present European Fish Price Report, some...
继新冠疫情三年限制解除之后,夏季游客数量增加,预 计水产品消费量将大幅上升,南欧贸易商正在为夏季销 售做准备。高端水产品(如底层鱼类、头足类和虾类) 的价格较高。欧洲的通胀率已经开始下降,但是食品的 通胀率基本上仍超过 10%。多种水产品的价格比去年高 出约 30%。 在本期《欧洲水产品价格报告》中,价格下降的水产品 数量近年来首次超过价格上涨的水产品数量,这在西班 牙尤为明显。价格下降主要出现在中上层小型鱼类中, 但是一些传统底层鱼类的价格也出现了下降。
Easter was the main consumption period of seafood, especially in the Southern part of the continent. Prices are still going up as consumer interest continues strong, and practically all price levels are accepted by the consumers. In the present issue of the European Fish Price Report, prices increased for 25 percent of the recorded prices; for 20 percent they declined, while 55 percent stayed stable. Overall, salmon prices fell somewhat after the sky-high levels reached...
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