Inclusive and Sustainable Territories and Landscapes Platform

Systemic sustainability


FAO promotes the long-term development of the territory, opening the strategic focus from economic sustainability to social and environmental sustainability


A Monitoring and Assessment System provides public institutions and social actors in the territory access to measurements of the actions and investments made for development plans. It also offers an analysis of whether said investments and projects are executed as planned.

The proposed system of indicators of impacts and results below allows for the measurement of the three facets of economic, social and environmental sustainability.

Economic sustainability indicators

Economic sustainability indicators

  • Number of direct employments created (permanent, temporary, contracted, volunteer)
  • Investment resources for projects with a shared vision within the territory
  • Percentage of institutional actors in the territory involved in projects with a shared vision
  • Annual increase in the income levels of the population of beneficiaries of an investment
  • Increase in the net sales of the producer organizations that are beneficiaries of an investment project
  • Internal Rate of Return and Net Present Value of the investment
  • Increase in earnings and profits during the measurement period
  • Increase in the subsidies received (including donations, reductions in taxes, tax incentives)
  • Systematic continuation/renewal of purchase-sale agreements between agricultural companies and business partners
  • Number of training sessions for group entrepreneurship initiatives

Social sustainability indicators

Social sustainability indicators

  • Decrease in the poverty level in the territory
  • Decrease in the gap between the richest and the poorest
  • Gini Coefficient
  • Decrease in the proportion of population below minimum level of dietary energy consumption
  • Decrease in the percentage of people without access to drinking water or health services
  • Increase in net primary school enrollment ratio
  • Decrease in the range of early school leavers
  • Increase in the number of people covered by social protection networks
  • Decrease in the number of social conflicts
  • Decrease in youth unemployment

Environmental sustainability indicators

Environmental sustainability indicators

  • Compliance with legislation in effect / decrease in the percentage of penalties per tax year
  • Increase in the area of protected land and marine areas and/or area covered by forest lands
  • Decrease in carbon dioxide emissions
  • Increase in the level of biomass recovery in landscapes
  • Decrease in the use of fossil fuels for obtained products
  • Improvement in the health indices of the beneficiary population of the intervention
  • Waste generation and recycling

The Global Competitiveness Index (GCI)

The GCI, developed by the World Economic Forum, measures the competitiveness of countries in various geographic regions in different stages of development. The index measures a series of institutions, policies and factors that define the current and mid-term levels of sustainable economic prosperity.

This concept includes both static and dynamic components, classified in twelve pillars of competitiveness:

(1) Improved governance
(2) Increase in infrastructure
(3) Improved macroeconomic environment
(4) Improved healthcare and primary education systems
(5) Improved higher education and professional training systems
(6) Efficiency of the goods market
(7) Efficiency of the job market
(8) Development of the financial market
(9) Increase in technological capacity
(10) Increase in the size of the market
(11) Improved market structure
(12) Advances in incorporating innovation into the territory’s development


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