FAO in India

INDIA, FAO and GEF – Transforming agriculture to protect biodiversity and forest landscape


The Government of India aims to transform India’s agricultural sector to contribute to the achievement of global environmental objectives.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Family Welfare (MoAFW) and the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), GoI proposes to address these challenges in collaboration GEF-FAO and other key players through this seven year (2018-2025) “Green-Agriculture: Transforming Indian agriculture for global environmental benefits and the conservation of critical biodiversity and forest landscapes (GCP/IND/183/GFF)” project.

The project will address the policy and practice of agriculture in India by strengthening agro-ecological practices, which can support food production and food security, and nutrition while restoring the ecosystem services and biodiversity that are essential for sustainable agriculture.


To read more about the new project, click here