الشعوب الأصلية


15 Jan 2018
On January 12 and 13 during the celebration of the High Level Forum Empowering indigenous women to eradicate hunger and malnutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean, FAO launched the advocacy campaign "Make them visible, empower them". This campaign seeks to increase the empowerment of indigenous women through the recognition of their contributions and challenges to the achievement of Zero Hunger and the whole Sustainable Development Agenda. "Indigenous women have fundamental roles in the spiritual, social and family arenas and are seed guardians - critical carriers of specialized knowledge," said FAO Director General José Graziano da Silva during the...
17 Oct 2017
On the occasion of the 44th Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), FAO and its partners organized the side event “An intergenerational knowledge exchange: indigenous forest management and food security in the context of climate change - Indigenous youth and elders present mechanisms for sustainable forestry and climate change adaptation”.  The side event was organized in partnership with the Government of Norway and  the Government of Panama, the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), the Fund for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean (FILAC), the Global Indigenous Youth Caucus (GIYC),...
05 Sep 2017
More than 30 artisanal fisherfolk, indigenous and Government authorities of Central American countries are participating in a training course to promote the governance of natural resources and sustainable small-scale fishing practices in indigenous peoples’ territories. According to the FAO, approximately 70% of the Central American Caribbean coast is located in territories inhabited by indigenous peoples. Therefore, these communities are key to ensuring the sustainability of small-scale fisheries, but they need to be supported by policies tailored to their needs and cultures.  This training course aims at reviewing the Voluntary Guidelines for Achieving the Sustainability of Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of...
05 Sep 2017
معرفة أنالشعوب الأصلية لا تشكل إلا 5 في المائة من سكان العالم، فهي تعدّ من الرعاة الحيويين للبيئة. وتشتمل أراضي الشعوب الأصلية التقليدية على 22 في المائة من مساحة اليابسة في العالم، لكنها تشكل 80 في المائة من التنوع البيولوجي للكوكب. وثلث الغابات العالمية، التي تعتبر حاسمة للحدّ من انبعاثات الغاز، تدار في المقام الأول من قبل الشعوب الأصلية والأُسر وأصحاب الحيازات الصغيرة والمجتمعات المحلية. كما أن أغذية السكان الأصليين مغذية بشكل خاص ومقاومة للمناخ ومتكيفة بشكل جيّد مع بيئتهم، مما يجعلها مصدرا جيّداً للمغذيات في المناطق التي تواجه تحديات مناخية. ويمكن أن تعلّمنا طرق حياتهم وسبل عيشهم الكثير عن الحفاظ على...