الشعوب الأصلية


06 Nov 2021
Climate change is affecting fisheries and food systems worldwide, and the Polar Oceans are no exception. Ocean warming and acidification are expected to disrupt current practices, from resource distribution and abundance, to timing and locations of fishing, landing sites, fish preservation, marketing and consumption, and even to allocation of fishing quotas among countries. Responses to climate change and its impacts are urgently needed to build sustainability into the fisheries sector, which is contributing significantly to food, nutrition and livelihood security for local communities especially in developing countries, with...
13 Oct 2021
Even though Indigenous Peoples’ practices have little impact on greenhouse gas emissions and global warming, climate change and extreme weather events aggravated by the COVID-19 health crisis have had an enormous impact on their livelihoods, cultures, identities and rights. The new publication “Indigenous youth as agents of change, Actions of Indigenous youth in local food systems during times of...
27 Jul 2021
During the UN Food Systems Pre-summit in Rome, Indigenous Peoples make visible the value of their ancestral food systems and the challenges that place them at risk.    FAO and the Global-Hub on Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems presented the White/Wiphala Paper on Indigenous Peoples’ food systems as an evidence-based contribution to the UN Food Systems Summit. 
12 Jul 2021
The Ărramăt Project has joined forces with the Global-Hub on Indigenous Peoples' Food Systems, hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), becoming its latest member.   Indigenous governments...