FAO in Indonesia

How we create impact

Strengthening Veterinary Services 

  • Assist animal health centres (Puskeswan) to respond to farmers’ needs through the National Veterinary Services (NVS) programme.
  • Monitor HPAI virus circulation in markets and their catchment areas through regular Live Bird Markets (LBM) Surveillance.
  • Introduce integrated database management, and expand government-funded HPAI control activities to reinforce veterinary services.

Capacity Building

  • Conduct a series of trainings for government veterinarians, for example on epidemiology and risk assessment, and on laboratory diagnostics (PCR assay and sequencing) for Influenza A virus detection, characterisation and monitoring.
  • Implement the Participatory Disease Surveillance and Response (PDSR) system to detect, respond to and control outbreaks through diagnosis of HPAI using a case definition and a field rapid antigen detection test. 
  • Enhance animal health laboratory biosafety and biosecurity through the FAO Regional Biosafety Programme.


Improving Poultry Health

  • Identify best practices in commercial poultry health.
  • Promote the use of appropriate and effective poultry vaccines by farmers.
  • Enhance management to reduce the risk of HPAI and to improve productivity and profits in commercial poultry farms.


Establishing Public-Private Partnerships

  • Improve biosecurity along the market chain.
  • Reach out to commercial farmers. 
  • Share data and Influenza virus isolates through the Influenza Virus Monitoring (IVM) network and the IVM Online platform with the purpose of monitoring circulating HPAI viruses and matching HPAI vaccines with current field strains.