FAO in Jamaica, Bahamas and Belize

FAO shares on climate resilient crops at Denbigh 2019


The Denbigh Agriculture Show this year focused on the theme “Aligning farming decisions with climatic conditions”, a very apt theme for the Small Island Developing State constantly threatened by the impacts of climate change.  In keeping with the theme, FAO stood ready to showcase climate resilient crops and their benefits for the scores of people who ventured into the booth

Over the three day show, FAO highlighted the climate resilient crops Cassava and Pulses. The FAO exhibit sought to demonstrate the value chain aspect of both crops and the potential for both to be lucrative industries in countries such as Jamaica that struggle with the impacts of climate change. Tonnes of people visited the booth throughout the three days and engaged in discussions about growing cassava and pulses and many were surprised at the many benefits and by products that both produce provided locally and across the region. In addition to the display of varieties of cassava and pulses and their by-products, FAO also mounted a Tree of Change. The Tree of Change was geared towards understanding the interests of the general public in simple actions towards mitigating the impacts of climate change. Patrons delighted in writing their plans such as ceasing the burning of garbage, planting a tree, starting a compost heap at home, school and community gardens. Another highlight was the Seven Areas Affected by Climate Change corner where we asked questions about the seven different areas being highlighted with the aim of winning a small token. 

In true Denbigh tradition, FAO also distributed various farm tools to farmers who visited the booth and also educated patrons about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Many also delighted in playing the SDG Board game and taking photos with our friendly goat Billy. 

For FAO’s new Representative for Jamaica, the Bahamas and Belize, Dr Crispim Moreira, this was his first national event in Jamaica. Dr Moreira delivered remarks on behalf of FAO during the launch of the Denbigh event and toured the show with the country’s Minister of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, Honourable Audley Shaw.