Locust Watch
Locusts in Caucasus and Central Asia

Technical Workshop on Locusts in Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA), Tbilisi, Georgia, 17-21 November 2014

The Agenda of the Technical Workshop was as follows:


1. Opening address 

2. Election of Chairman, Vice-Chairman & Drafting Committee 

3. Adoption of the agenda

Session 1: National locust campaigns in 2014 and forecasts for 2015

4. National locust campaigns in 2014 (countries' presentations) 

5. Locust forecast for 2015 and preparation of the next campaign (countries' presentations)

Session 2: Implementation of the Five-year Programme to improve locust management in Caucasus and Central Asia

6. Five-year Programme in 2014: overview on implementation and funding situation 

7. Regional cooperation in 2014
    a) Regular information sharing 
    b) Presentation of the revised website "Locust Watch in CCA" 
    c) Cross-border/ joint surveys 
       - Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan (countries' presentations)
       - Afghanistan - Tajikistan (countries' presentations)

8. National capacities' development in 2014 
    a) Training:
       - on locust monitoring: Uzbekistan (country's presentation) 
       - on locust Ultra-Low Volume spraying: Kazakhstan (country's presentation) 
    b) One-month internship on locust management:
       - Azerbaijan & Georgia in Morocco (countries' presentations)
    c) Update on background documentation (monographs)

9. Situation update on fellowships on locust issues 

10. Study on possible mechanisms for long-term locust regional cooperation and management in Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA) 

11. Five-year Programme during Year 4 (2015): workplan

Session 3: Developing monitoring and analysing systems (remote sensing)

12. Background information on the Locust Geographical Information System (GIS) in CCA 

13. Developments on the Automated System of Data Collection (ASDC)
    a) Training on GIS and ground surveys using the Automated System of Data Collection (ASDC): 
       - Armenia/Azerbaijan/Georgia/the Russian Federation (countries' presentations)
       - Uzbekistan (country's presentation)
    b) Testing ASDC at the national level (pilot countries' presentations: Georgia and Uzbekistan; feedback from Armenia, Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation) 

14. Development of the regional GIS 

15. Practical demonstrations by countries: field use of ASDC 

16. Developments on unified information system on biohazards, including locusts, for CIS members

Session 4: Locust control and risk reduction for human health and the environment

17. Mitigating impact of locust control operations:
    a) Development of a plan for insecticide storage and container management for locust control in Kyrgyzstan (country's presentation) 

18. Monitoring impact of locust control operations:
    a) Pilot activity to develop a monitoring system on quality control and efficacy of locust treatments in Tajikistan (country's presentation) 
    b) Study on the fate of insecticides used for locust control on pasture in Kyrgyzstan - residue analysis (country's presentation) 
    c) Presentation of compilation of existing information on residue levels on crops and pastures in Russia 

19. Progress made on safety and environmental precautions (countries' feedback) 

20. Progress made on spraying technologies products and biopesticides (countries' feedback)


21. Any other business 

22. Adoption of the report

23. Closure address