Locust Watch
Locusts in Caucasus and Central Asia
Moroccan Locust (DMA), Tajikistan 2008 ©FAO/A. Monard

General situation during August 2024, Forecast for September 2024 

The locust control campaign was completed in all countries by the end of the month. The locust situation was considered as calm in August, except in some areas of the Russian Federation where it was classified as caution due to flying adults of Italian (CIT) and Asian Migratory Locusts (LMI). Last treatments of 2024 were carried out on 35 554 ha in a few Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA) countries.

In total, control operations covered 4 263 652 hectares (ha) in 2024 in CCA. The overall treated area increased by about 60% compared to the previous year (4.3 million ha against 2.7 million ha), mainly due to an increase of infestations in the following three countries: Kazakhstan (93%), Kyrgyzstan (80%) and the Russian Federation (42%). Infested and treated areas generally decreased in the Caucasus region while they were close to 2023 for the other CCA countries. During the forecast period, CIT and LMI natural life cycles will come to an end and most of the countries will start or continue autumn surveys for locust egg-pods. 

Regional monthly bulletins on locusts

General Situation during September 2015 Forecast until early 2016
In September, the locust situation was calm in all Caucasian and Central Asian countries as the life cycle of the three pests was coming to an end or already completed. Italian Locust (CIT) mating and egg-laying were still observed in Armenia and ended in Kazakhstan. No control operations were carried...
General Situation during August 2015 Forecast until mid-October 2015
In August, Moroccan Locust (DMA) life cycle came to an end in Central Asian countries as well as in Azerbaijan. Italian Locust (CIT) mating occurred in Armenia while adults were disappearing in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. CIT egg-laying was in progress in Georgia as well...
General Situation during July 2015 Forecast until mid-September 2015
In July, Moroccan Locust (DMA) adults only were present in Central Asian countries as well as in Azerbaijan. Limited control operations were carried out (on less than 10 000 ha) and egg-laying surveys were in progress. Italian Locust (CIT) hopper development was in progress in Armenia while fledging occurred almost everywhere in...
General Situation during June 2015 Forecast until mid-August 2015
In June, Moroccan Locust (DMA) hopper development came to an end and fledging, followed by mating and egg-laying, occurred in all Central Asian countries as well as in Azerbaijan and probably in Georgia; natural disappearance started in some of that countries. Italian Locust (CIT) hopper development was in progress...
General Situation during May 2015 Forecast until mid-July 2015
In May, Moroccan Locust (DMA) hopper development was in progress in all Central Asian countries, while hatching started in the Russian Federation; fledging and breeding were reported in Uzbekistan. No DMA was reported from Caucasian countries. Italian Locust (CIT) hopper development was in progress in all Caucasian and Central...