FAO Members Gateway


The Governing Body took a number of decisions that require action by Contracting Parties. This communication draws the attention of Contracting Parties to those decisions that are addressed to them or that have direct implications for them. http://www.fao.org/3/I8836EN/i8836en.pdf...
FAO Open Day
26 April 2018
After the success of the “FAO Open Day” last year, the second FAO OPEN DAY will take place on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 May 2018, as part of the “Open House Roma 2018” initiative. Seven hundred people attended last...
FAO was the international guest of honour at the 2017 Salon Goûts et Terroirs, a Swiss cultural and gastronomic exhibition that took place from 29 November - 3 December. FAO’s teams from Rome and Geneva have been working closely...
FAO, IFAD and WFP have launched a brand new Rome-based agencies (RBA) website. The RBAs share a common vision, guiding principles for enhanced collaboration and distinctive strengths that build upon one another. The website features content from the three...
On 16 November, an upgraded, fully mobile-responsive corporate web site