FAO in Nigeria
Yola, Adamawa State - In the newly built Labondo reintegration settlement camp, in Girei local government area, Adamawa state, northeastern Nigeria, hope was scarce and hunger prevalent, until an innovative solution took root. The over 400 resettled internally displaced people (IDPs) faced difficulties in accessing food to feed their families - vegetables...
Vom, Nigeria – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), through its Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) has strengthened laboratory capacities for diagnosing small ruminants’ pests, commonly referred to as peste des petits ruminants (PPR) in West, East and Southern Africa. In collaboration with the International...
Abuja - “Two years ago, I planted two bags of rice seed, but the floods washed away the entire field, I could not even get seeds to plant during the following season. Then came flood alerts, warning us of the imminent disaster. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United...
Abuja - In 2024, Nigeria is expected to see about 26.5 million people grappling with high levels of food insecurity, as disclosed by the Government of Nigeria and its partners during the unveiling of the October 2023 Cadre Harmonisé analysis on food insecurity. Moreover, approximately 9 million children are at risk...
Abuja – Preventive health care has been identified as one of the major gaps in the animal health sector ecosystem. The immediate strategy to ameliorate the situation is to improve smallholder farmer’s access to animal healthcare services through capacity building of private veterinary paraprofessionals. This justifies the collaborative initiative of the...