Sociedad Civil


17 Nov 2020
Rome – Consumers can be the “catalyst” to drive the transformation of agri-food systems, influencing how we produce and consume food in an increasingly digital world, said the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, today in a special address during the celebration of Consumers International’s 60th anniversary.  In his remarks, Qu congratulated Consumers International, a global federation of consumer groups, and called for even closer collaboration with FAO.  He stressed the need to promote healthy diets and to educate consumers enabling them to make healthier choices, to respect farmers’ work...
01 Jun 2020
Conflict is currently the main driver of food crises around the world: according to the latest release of The Global Report on Food Crises, 77 million people who suffer from acute food insecurity live in places affected by conflict or insecurity. In addition, over 80 percent of humanitarian and development work is carried out in conflict-affected contexts; with this in mind, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) works actively to mainstream...
12 Oct 2019
Roma - Las asociaciones a múltiples niveles son fundamentales para lograr un mundo sin hambre, aseguró hoy el Director General de la FAO, Qu Dongyu, al reunirse con destacados exponentes de la sociedad civil y los pueblos indígenas que representaban a los productores de alimentos en pequeña escala y a los agricultores familiares.
27 Aug 2019
Roma/Damasco - Slow Food y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) han organizado esta semana un viaje de estudios al noroeste de Italia para un grupo de agricultoras sirias. Las dos organizaciones se han unido para mejorar las aptitudes de las pequeñas productoras alimentarias de Siria, todo ello con el objetivo...
12 Dec 2017
 Rome, 12 December - FAO and the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) joined forces to guarantee that future farmers, pastoralists and fishers can meaningfully contribute to decision making processes about food and agriculture. The 4-day training applying participative learning methods was successful in increasing young food producer’s knowledge on viable tools and governance mechanisms related to food and agriculture, and in opening up a space for the young IPC members to exchange experiences and engage in dialogue with FAO representatives, sharing ideas, concerns and proposals. As a result of the training, while recognizing the heterogeneous needs among rural youth, young...