

01 Jun 2020
Conflict is currently the main driver of food crises around the world: according to the latest release of The Global Report on Food Crises, 77 million people who suffer from acute food insecurity live in places affected by conflict or insecurity. In addition, over 80 percent of humanitarian and development work is carried out in conflict-affected contexts; with this in mind, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) works actively to mainstream...
12 Oct 2019
罗马 - 多层级的伙伴关系对于建立一个没有饥饿的世界至关重要,粮农组织总干事屈冬玉在周六会见小型粮食生产者和家庭农民的代表--民间社会和土著人民的主要领导人时表示。 总干事与代表们谈及了方方面面的内容,他指出"我们希望所有民间社会组织都发挥积极作用",并强调需要改善全球粮食系统。"粮农组织将为你们提供帮助。" 总干事在一年一度的民间社会和土著人民机制论坛(CSM)上致辞,该论坛为非政府行动方参与世界粮食安全委员会(粮安委)这一多方利益相关者平台的政策制定工作提供了通道。今天的活动重点关注如何加强对实现可持续发展目标2(也称为零饥饿)的承诺。
27 Aug 2019
罗马/大马士革 -- 本周,"慢食"与联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)组织叙利亚女性小农到意大利西北部游学。 两大组织联手加强叙利亚小规模女性粮食生产者的技能,是为了支持受危机影响的社区重获或增强生计,并重振该国农业部门。 七名叙利亚妇女将在皮埃蒙特和利古里亚地区的农民社区参观学习。这两个地区生产和营销品质优良且尊重传统的本地有机和手工食品。 这些妇女有望获得奶制品、蜂蜜、油类、谷物、面包和蔬菜等一系列产品的生产、营销和价值链领域的全面知识,并在回国后将这些知识传授给社区里的其他女性农民。她们还将被纳入"慢食"全球本地农民网络,以继续学习和分享知识与经验。
12 Dec 2017
 Rome, 12 December - FAO and the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) joined forces to guarantee that future farmers, pastoralists and fishers can meaningfully contribute to decision making processes about food and agriculture. The 4-day training applying participative learning methods was successful in increasing young food producer’s knowledge on viable tools and governance mechanisms related to food and agriculture, and in opening up a space for the young IPC members to exchange experiences and engage in dialogue with FAO representatives, sharing ideas, concerns and proposals. As a result of the training, while recognizing the heterogeneous needs among rural youth, young...
30 Oct 2017
A new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between FAO and URGENCI, an international network that supports community agriculture, is poised to deepen the UN agency’s collaboration with global civil society.  The agreement, to be signed on 30 October 2017 by FAO Deputy Director-General for Programmes Daniel Gustafson and Judith Hitchman, President of URGENCI, will formalize the partnership between the two organizations by joining their efforts to map and promote short food-supply chain initiatives in all world regions. By documenting existing practices, methods and good experiences on local and solidarity-based food distribution systems between consumers and producers, the...