مجموعة أدوات تسجيل مبيدات الآفات

Free self-paced & certified e-learning course on HHPs

The FAO Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP) and FAO elearning Academy, together with the European Union, the Swedish Chemicals Agency, and the partners of Inter-Organization Programme for the sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC): UNITAR, the World Bank, ILO, WHO, OECD, UNDP, UNIDO and FAO, are extremely pleased to announce the publication of the elearning course: "Highly Hazardous Pesticides".

The course covers the contents of the Toolkit Special Topic on HHPs as well as the Registration Tool Assessment of Alternatives

  • Lesson 1: Introduction and identification of HHPs
  • Lesson 2: Assessment and mitigation of HHPs
  • Lesson 3: Assessment of alternatives

The course is certified and available free of charge, as a global public good, through the FAO elearning Academy: https://elearning.fao.org/course/view.php?id=901

مواضيع خاصة

يتم الاحتفاظ بقائمة الموضوعات الخاصة للمواضيع شديدة الأهمية مثل مبيدات الآفات عالية الخطورة وموضوعات المبيدات التي لا تنطبق بشكل مباشر على الزراعة، مثل مبيدات الآفات المتعلقة بالصحة العامة.