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Analyse des dépenses publiques en soutien à l’agriculture et l’alimentation au Bénin sur la période 2008-2015. Note Technique

L’objectif de cette note technique est d’analyser l’évolution des dépenses publiques en soutien à l’agriculture et l’alimentation (DPAA) au Bénin. La présente analyse s’emploie à identifier l’évolution du soutien aux sous-secteurs de l’agriculture et l’alimentation (recherche, subventions aux intrants, infrastructures,...) et aux produits du secteur agricole dans le temps, par type et source de financement. Aussi, l’ambition de cette note est davantage de livrer une analyse détaillée du niveau, de la composition et de la cohérence des DPAA dans le pays, que de fournir une analyse en profondeur du lien entre la performance du secteur et les dépenses publiques, ou [...]



Regional Gender Equality Strategy for the Near East and North Africa 2017–2020

This Regional Gender Strategy is designed to enable FAO RNE officers and country officers in the region as well as development practitioners to respond to current regional priorities. As a complement to the FAO Gender Equality Policy, the regional gender strategy will promote coherence and improve efficiency of gender-sensitive programming. The strategy supports the development of easy and efficient approaches and methodologies to adequately address the needs of the different stakeholders and specific groups, particularly the most invisible and under-considered ones among women, men, youth as well as understand the different interactions or synergies. It is aligned with global FAO [...]



Informe de Diagnóstico Institucional del Plan para la Seguridad Alimentaria, Nutrición y Erradicación del Hambre de la CELAC 2025.

La presente publicación fue elaborada por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), por encargo de la Dirección de Integración Regional Multilateral (DIREM) del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile, punto focal de la CELAC en el país, y con el apoyo de las instituciones públicas que forman parte del Comité Nacional del Plan SAN CELAC: Capítulo Chile. El fin de esta publicación fue contribuir a la implementación del Plan SAN CELAC: Capítulo Chile, a través de la recopilación y sistematización de las principales dimensiones nutricionales y de seguridad alimentaria, instituciones e iniciativas públicas [...]

Data and statistics


Ag Incentives. International Organisations Consortium for Measuring the Policy Environment for Agriculture

The International Organisations Consortium for Measuring the Policy Environment for Agriculture aims to create a community of practice, to provide a harmonized and consolidated database, and to provide a forum for discussion aimed at raising the quality and coverage of the available measures. The goals of the consortium include maintaining the autonomy and ensuring the consistency of each International Organization’s (IO) role with its mandate, creating a collaborative approach for database, with a clear recognition of Intellectual Property Rights.

Case study


Morocco. Adoption of Climate Technologies in the Agrifood Sector. Country Highlights. FAO Investment Centre

Agriculture, deforestation and other land use account for roughly 25 percent of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (IPCC, 2014). When the share of industry related to agriculture is included, the agriculture sector is an even greater contributor to climate change. It is thus crucial to identify technologies and practices that ensure a high and sustainable level of agricultural production while reducing GHG emissions from the sector. This report pilots a methodology developed to identify and assess a number of climate technologies that can contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions in a country’s agrifood sector. The analysis also suggests relevant policy areas that should be evaluated to incentivise the [...]



Decent Rural Employment. Toolbox

The Decent Rural Employment Toolbox has been designed to provide guidance to policy makers and planners, rural development practitioners and FAO staff at country level on how to systematize and scale up ongoing efforts to promote decent employment in rural areas.  The toolbox is organized in modules that cover the main components of FAO's approach to mainstreaming decent rural employment and offers quick access to practical tools including case studies, guidance materials and other useful resources. Module 1: Integrated Country Approach Module 2: Evidence & Advocacy Module 3: Youth employment Module 4: Child labour Module 5: Women and decent work

Issue paper


Resilience Analysis in Isiolo, Marsabit and Meru. Kenya 2016. FAO Resilience Analysis No. 9

This report is part of a series of country level analyses prepared by the FAO Resilience Team Eastern Africa (RTEA) and the Resilience Analysis and Policies (RAP) team. The series aims at providing programming and policy guidance to policy makers, practitioners, UN agencies, NGO and other stakeholders by identifying the key factors that contribute to the resilience of households in food insecure countries and regions. The analysis is largely based on the use of the FAO Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis II (RIMA-II) tool. Latent variable models and regression analysis have been adopted. Findings are integrated with geo-spatial variables.

Case study


Gender Assessment of Dairy Value Chains: Evidence from Ethiopia

The present study is a gender assessment of the dairy value chain in selected sites in Ethiopia: North Shoa Shewa (Degem woreda), East Gojam (Dejen woreda) and Gamu Gofa Arba Minch (Arba Minch Zuria woreda). It relies on evidence gathered through fieldwork complemented by a review of specialized background documentation. The findings confirm that women’s empowerment is vital for sustainable dairy value chain development and that projects supporting dairy production need to increase their efforts to be gender inclusive. The study provides country-specific recommendations for Ethiopia, which also feed into a more general knowledge base on how to develop gender-sensitive dairy value chains.

Data and statistics



FAOLEX is a comprehensive and up-to-date legislative and policy database, one of the world's largest electronic collection of national laws, regulations and policies on food, agriculture and natural resources management. Users of FAOLEX have direct access to the abstracts and indexing information about each text, as well as to the full text of the legislation and policies contained in the database.

Data and statistics


Policy Database on Employment and Decent Work in Rural Areas

The Policy database on Employment and decent work in rural areas is an online inventory of current national, regional and global policies, programmes and studies that are relevant to the promotion of more and better jobs in the rural areas of developing countries. The Database has the twofold purpose of: Facilitating a quick assessment of countries and regions’ needs for support on Employment and decent work in rural areas, and Fostering information sharing on how the employment challenge in rural areas is addressed around the world. This database represents the first initiative that focuses primarily on employment-related issues applied to rural areas and/or [...]