

Dutch Bee Health Action Program 2013

This action program consists of four pillars that address honey bee health, including pesticide use, diseases, food supply and biodiversity, and beekeeping practices. Actions that the plan sets out to implement are, among others, a surveillance program on pesticide use, promoting of the use of environmentally-friendly pesticides, conducting research on disease resistance and the links between diseases and winter colony mortality, authorizing new veterinary medicines, encouraging the creation of pollinator habitat on field edges, and fostering knowledge exchange.

Netherlands Pollinator Strategy 201: "Bed and Breakfast for Bees"

This bee strategy expands the work of the Bee Health Action Plan to include wild bee species in addition to the honey bee. It plans to promote biodiversity, improve the interaction between agricultural and natural ecosystems, and help beekeepers manage honeybee health. To accomplish this, the strategy sets initiatives coordinated by over 35 partners at the local, regional, and national level that aim to halt and reverse Dutch pollinator loss and increase pollination services to agricultural and natural systems by 2030. Nesting habitat, floral resources, agri-environment measures, and apiculture practices are addressed in the strategy.