СВОД+ Сокращение выбросов, обусловленных обезлесением и деградацией лесов


Assessment of peatland management practices are needed to understand the impacts of different land use on livelihoods as well as land subsidence, greenhouse gas emissions, water quality, biodiversity and other ecosystem services. The case studies describe practices related to rewetting, paludiculture cultivation, degraded pasture restoration, forestry practices, aquaculture and fishery. Each...
Seven webinars on peatland issues including characteristics of responsible management of peatlands, paludiculture options for responsible utilization of peatlands in Indonesia; biomass from reeds for energy production in Belarus; sustainable grazing for peatlands restoration in China; why peatlands matter in regards of climate change mitigation; spatial distribution of GHG emissions...
This course progressively works through the key themes, concepts and actions of REDD+ National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS) for Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) gaining access to a suite of GFOI methods and guidance, space data resources, training materials and tools along the way. 
Training materials on REDD+ background and design, REDD+ measuring and monitoring, and REDD+ assessment and reporting using IPCC guidelines and guidance.
This is the e-course version of the UN-REDD Programme's successful REDD+ Academy. This course is free and open to all. Upon successfully passing the final exam, a certificate will be issued.
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