الحد من الفقر الريفي


(Freetown, Sierra Leone) At an international conference held in Freetown from 21 to 23 January, FAO laid out the case for investing in social protection programmes and promoting strong articulation between the social protection and agricultural sectors in order to reduce poverty, combat hunger and food insecurity, and promote the...
11 December, Rome - With approximately 3.4 million USD received from the Joint SDG Fund, FAO will contribute to the design and implementation of innovative joint UN programmes in eight countries across regions in the next two years. The first of its kind, the Joint SDG Fund is an inter-agency...
21-22 November, Brussels - Experts from FAO’s Strategic Programme on Rural Poverty Reduction, including Strategic Programme Leader Benjamin Davis and Programme Officer Ana Paula de la O Campos, met with the Directorates-General for International Cooperation and Development of the European Commission to explore future collaborations and discuss how best to...
13 December, Rome- The FAO regional offices in Europe and Central Asia have been particularly active in strengthening the region’s engagement with the Sustianable Developemnt Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda in the second half of 2019, organizing a series of workshops, meeting and networks in Budapest. From 3 to...
10/12/2019Nairobi – FAO South-South Cooperation convenes 14 African countries to exchange on links between social protection, agriculture and resilience.