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Article 91:

"1. The Kingdom shall not be bound by treaties, nor shall such treaties be denounced without the prior approval of the States General. The cases in which approval is not required shall be specified by Act of Parliament.

2. The manner in which approval shall be granted shall be laid down by Act of Parliament, which may provide for the possibility of tacit approval.

3. Any provisions of a treaty that conflict with the Constitution or which lead to conflicts with it may be approved by the Houses of the States General only if at least two-thirds of the votes cast are in favor."

Article 94: “Statutory regulations in force within the Kingdom shall not be applicable if such application is in conflict with provisions of treaties that are binding on all persons or of resolutions by international institutions.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 20: 
1. It shall be the concern of the authorities to secure the means of subsistence of the population and to achieve the distribution of wealth; 
3. Dutch nationals resident in the Netherlands who are unable to provide for themselves shall have a right, to be regulated by Act of Parliament, to aid from the authorities.”

Article 22.1:  "The authorities shall take steps to promote the health of the population."



Artículo 144: “Los tratados internacionales celebrados por El Salvador con otros estados o con organismos internacionales, constituyen leyes de la República al entrar en vigencia, conforme a las disposiciones del mismo tratado y de esta Constitución. La ley no podrá modificar o derogar lo acordado en un tratado vigente para El Salvador. En caso de conflicto entre el tratado y la ley, prevalecerá el tratado."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Artículo 37: “El trabajo es una función social, goza de la protección del Estado, y no se considera artículo de comercio. El Estado empleará todos los recursos que estén a su alcance para proporcional ocupación al trabajador, manual o intelectual, y para asegurar a él y a su familia las condiciones económicas de una existencia digna. De igual forma promoverá el trabajo y empleo de las personas con limitaciones o incapacidades físicas, mentales o sociales.”

Artículo 38.2: “Todo trabajador tiene derecho a devengar un salario mínimo, que se fijará periódicamente. Para fijar este salario sea tenderá sobre todo al costo de la vida, a la índole de la labora los diferentes sistemas de remuneración, a las distintas zonas de producción y a otros criterios similares. Este salario deberá ser suficiente para satisfacer las necesidades normales del hogar del trabajador en el orden material, moral y cultural.”

Artículo 101: “El orden económico debe responder esencialmente a principios de justicia social, que tiendan a asegurar a todos los habitantes del país una existencia digna del ser humano. El Estado promoverá el desarrollo económico y social mediante el incremento de la producción, la productividad y la racional utilización de los recursos. Con igual finalidad, fomentará los diversos sectores de la producción y defenderá el interés de los consumidores."



Article 10.2: “Provisions relating to the fundamental rights and liberties recognized by the Constitution shall be construed in conformity with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international treaties and agreements thereon ratified by Spain.”

Article 96.1: “Validly concluded international treaties, once officially published in Spain, shall be part of the internal legal system. Their provisions may only be repealed, amended or suspended in the manner provided for in the treaties themselves or in accordance with the general rules of international law.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 35.1: "All Spaniards have the duty to work and the right to work, to the free choice of profession or trade, to advancement through work, and to a sufficient remuneration for the satisfaction of their needs and those of their families."

Article 41: “The public authorities shall maintain a public Social Security system for all citizens guaranteeing adequate social assistance and benefits in situations of hardship, especially in case of unemployment. Supplementary assistance and benefits shall be optional.”



Article 7 : "The rights and duties proclaimed and guaranteed by the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights adopted in 1981 by the Organization of African Unity and ratified by Bénin on January 20, 1986 shall be an integral part of the present Constitution and of Béninese law."


Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 9.: "Every human being has a right to the development and full expansion of his person in his material, temporal and intellectual dimensions, provided that he does not violate the rights of others nor infringe upon constitutional order and good manners."

Article 40 : "The State has the duty to assure the diffusion and the teaching of the Constitution, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights of 1981 as well as all of the international instruments duly ratified and relative to Human Rights. The State must integrate the rights of the individual into the programs of literacy and of teaching in the various scholastic and university academic cycles and into all the educational programs of the Armed Forces, of the Public Security Forces and of comparable categories. The State must equally assure the diffusion and teaching of these same rights in the national languages by all the means of mass communication, and particularly by radio and television."



Artículo 8: “El Estado ecuatoguineano acata los principios del Derecho Internacional y reafirma su adhesión a los derechos y obligaciones que emanan de las Organizaciones y Organismos Internacionales a los que se ha adherido.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Artículo 26.1: “El trabajo es un derecho y un deber social […]. El Estado promueve las condiciones económicas y sociales para hacer desaparecer la pobreza, la miseria, y asegura con igualdad a los ciudadanos de la República de Guinea Ecuatorial las posibilidades de una ocupación útil que les permita no estar acosados por la necesidad.”

Artículo 13.1: "Todo ciudadano goza de los siguientes derechos y libertades: a) El respeto a su persona, su vida, su integridad personal, su dignidad y su pleno desenvolvimiento material y moral. "



Article 18: “International law-

1. Validly approved and ratified International treaties and agreements shall enter into force in the Mozambican legal order once they have been officially published and while they are internationally binding on the Mozambican State.

2. Norms of international law shall have the same force in the Mozambican legal order as have infra-constitutional legislative acts of the Assembly of the Republic and the Government, according to the respective manner in which they are received.”

Artigo 18: "Direito internacional -

1. Os tratados e acordos internacionais, validamente aprovados e ratificados, vigoram na ordem jurídica moçambicana após a sua publicação oficial e enquanto vincularem internacionalmente o Estado de Moçambique.

2. As normas de direito internacional têm na ordem jurídica interna o mesmo valor que assumem os actos normativos infraconstitucionais emanados da Assembleia da República e do Governo, consoante a sua respectiva forma de recepção.

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 11: “The fundamental objectives of the Republic of Mozambique shall be:  
c) the building of a society of social justice and the achievement of material and spiritual well being and quality of life for its citizens;  
e) the defence and promotion of human rights and of the equality of citizens before the law”.

Artigo 11: "O Estado moçambicano tem como objectivos fundamentais:

c) a edificação de uma sociedade de justiça social e a criação do bem-estar material, espiritual e de qualidade de vida dos cidadãos;

e) a defesa e a promoção dos direitos humanos e da igualdade dos cidadãos perante a lei;


Article 97: “The economic and social order of the Republic of Mozambique shall aim to satisfy the basic needs of the people and to promote social well being [...]”.

Artigo 97: "A organização económica e social da República de Moçambique visam a satisfação das necessidades essenciais da população e a promoção do bem-estar social [...]"



Article 16: (Scope and interpretation of fundamental rights) 

1. The fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution shall not exclude any others set out in applicable international laws and legal rules.
2. The constitutional precepts concerning fundamental rights must be interpreted and completed in harmony with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”

Artigo 16.º: (Âmbito e sentido dos direitos fundamentais)

1. Os direitos fundamentais consagrados na Constituição não excluem quaisquer outros constantes das leis e das regras aplicáveis de direito internacional.

2. Os preceitos constitucionais e legais relativos aos direitos fundamentais devem ser interpretados e integrados de harmonia com a Declaração Universal dos Direitos do Homem.

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 9: (Fundamental tasks of the state) 
d) To promote the people’s well-being and quality of life and real equality between the Portuguese, as well as the effective implementation of economic, social, cultural and environmental rights by means of the transformation and modernisation of economic and social structures;[...]” 

Artigo 9.º: (Tarefas fundamentais do Estado)

d) Promover o bem-estar e a qualidade de vida do povo e a igualdade real entre os portugueses, bem como a efectivação dos direitos económicos, sociais, culturais e ambientais, mediante a transformação e modernização das estruturas económicas e sociais;[...]


Article 59: (Workers’ rights)  

1. Regardless of age, sex, race, citizenship, place of origin, religion and political and ideological convictions, every worker has the right: 
a) To the remuneration of his work in accordance with its volume, nature and quality, with respect for the principle of equal pay for equal work and in such a way as to guarantee a proper living; [...]
e) To material assistance when he involuntarily finds himself in a situation of unemployment;”

 Artigo 59.º: (Direitos dos trabalhadores)

"1. Todos os trabalhadores, sem distinção de idade, sexo, raça, cidadania, território de origem, religião, convicções políticas ou ideológicas, têm direito:

a) À retribuição do trabalho, segundo a quantidade, natureza e qualidade, observandose o princípio de que para trabalho igual salário igual, de forma a garantir uma existência condigna; 

e) À assistência material, quando involuntariamente se encontrem em situação de desemprego;


Article 64: (Health)
2. The right to the protection of health shall be fulfilled: 
b) By creating economic, social, cultural and environmental conditions that particularly guarantee the protection of childhood, youth and old age; by systematically improving living and working conditions, and promoting physical fitness and sport at school and among the people; and also by developing the people’s health and hygiene education and healthy living practices.”

Artigo 64.º: (Saúde)

2. O direito à protecção da saúde é realizado: 

b) Pela criação de condições económicas, sociais, culturais e ambientais que garantam, designadamente, a protecção da infância, da juventude e da velhice, e pela melhoria sistemática das condições de vida e de trabalho, bem como pela promoção da cultura física e desportiva, escolar e popular, e ainda pelo desenvolvimento da educação sanitária do povo e de práticas de vida saudável. 


Article 81: (Priority duties of the state) 

"In the economic and social field the state is under a priority duty: 
a) Within the overall framework of a sustainable development strategy, to promote an increase in people’s social and economic well-being and quality of life, especially those of the most disadvantaged persons;”

Artigo 81.º: (Incumbências prioritárias do Estado)

Incumbe prioritariamente ao Estado no âmbito económico e social:

a) Promover o aumento do bem-estar social e económico e da qualidade de vida das pessoas, em especial das mais desfavorecidas, no quadro de uma estratégia de desenvolvimento sustentável; 



Article 10: "1. Mongolia shall adhere to the universally recognized norms and principles of international law and pursue a peaceful foreign policy. 2. Mongolia shall fulfill in good faith its obligations under international treaties to which it is a Party."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 10.2: “Mongolia shall fulfill in good faith its obligations under international treaties to which it is a Party.” 

Article 16: “The citizens of Mongolia shall be guaranteed the privilege to enjoy the following rights and freedoms: 5) Right to material and financial assistance in old age, disability, childbirth and child care and in other circumstances as provided by law”.

Article 19.1: “The State shall be responsible to the citizens for the creation of economic, social, legal and other guarantees for ensuring human rights and freedoms, to fight against violation of human rights and freedoms and to restore infringed rights.”



Article 43.(1): “Every person has the right:
(c) to be free from hunger, and to have adequate food of acceptable quality

(d) to clean and safe water in adequate quantities."”

Article 53.(1): “Every child has the right:
(c) to basic nutrition, shelter and health care.”


Article 2.(5): "The general rules of international law shall form part of the law of Kenya."

Article 2.(6): “Any treaty or convention ratified by Kenya shall form part of the law of Kenya under this Constitution.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 21: 
(1) It is a fundamental duty of the State and every State organ to observe, respect, protect, promote and fulfil the rights and fundamental freedoms in the Bill of Rights.
(2) The State shall take legislative, policy and other measures, including the setting of standards, to achieve the progressive realization of the rights guaranteed under Article 43.
(4) The State shall enact and implement legislation to fulfil its international obligations in respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms.”



Article 27:
(1)The Bill of Rights is a covenant among the Sudanese people and between them and their governments at every level and a commitment to respect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms enshrined in this Constitution; it is the cornerstone of social justice, equality and democracy in the Sudan;"


Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 1(2): “The State is committed to the respect and promotion of human dignity; and is founded on justice, equality and the advancement of human rights and fundamental freedoms and assures multi-partism.”

Article 10(1): “The overarching aims of economic development shall be eradication of poverty, attainment of the Millennium Development Goals, guaranteeing the equitable distribution of wealth, redressing imbalances of income and achieving a decent standard of life for all citizens.”

Article 12(1): “The State shall develop policies and strategies to ensure social justice among all people of the Sudan, through ensuring means of livelihood and opportunities of employment.”

Article 14(1): “The State shall adopt policies and provide facilities for child and youth welfare and ensure that they develop morally and physically, and protect them from moral and physical abuse and abandonment.”

Article 32: 
(1) The State shall guarantee equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of all civil, political, social, cultural and economic rights;
(5) The State shall protect the rights of the child as provided in the international and regional conventions ratified by the Sudan.”