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Article 94: "The Agreements or Treaties regularly ratified or approved have, on their publication, an authority superior to that of the laws, under reserve, for each agreement or treaty, of its application by the other party."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 1.2 : "The Republic recognizes the existence of the Rights of Man as the basis for all human community, of peace and of justice in the world."

Article 11: "The Republic guarantees to every citizen the right to work, to a healthy environment, to rest and to recreation within the conditions established by the law. It assures to them the conditions favorable for their development through an efficient policy of employment."



Section 9: 
1. The legal system of East Timor shall adopt the general or customary principles of international law.
2. Rules provided for in international conventions, treaties and agreements shall apply in the internal legal system of East Timor following their approval, ratification or accession by the respective competent organs and after publication in the official gazette.
3. All rules that are contrary to the provisions of international conventions, treaties and agreements applied in the internal legal system of East Timor shall be invalid.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Section 18.2: “Children shall enjoy all rights that are universally recognised, as well as all those that are enshrined in international conventions commonly ratified or approved by the State.”

Section 23: “Fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution shall not exclude any other rights provided for by the law and shall be interpreted in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”



Article 225: "The Treaties or Agreements regularly ratified have, on their publication, an authority superior to that of the national laws, under reserve for each Agreement or Treaty of its application by the other party." (article 222 in the 1996 version)

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 41: "The family is the natural and moral base of society. The State and the decentralized territorial collectivities have a duty to see to the well-being of the family." (article 37 in the 1996 version)

Article 43: "The State and the decentralized territorial collectivities create conditions for the fulfillment and well-being of youth." (article 39 in the 1996 version)



Article 48: “Everyone shall have the right to a standard of living sufficient for themselves and their families including adequate nutrition, clothing, and housing.”


Article 9: “International treaties in force, consented by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as binding, shall be an integral part of the national legislation of Ukraine.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 3.2: “Human rights and freedoms, and guarantees thereof shall determine the essence and course of activities of the State. The State shall be responsible to the individual for its activities. Affirming and ensuring human rights and freedoms shall be the main duty of the State.”

Article 46: “Citizens shall have the right to social protection including the right to financial security in cases of complete, partial, or temporary disability, loss of the principal wage-earner, unemployment due to circumstances beyond their control, old age, and in other cases determined by law. This right shall be guaranteed by the mandatory state social insurance based on insurance payments made by citizens, enterprises, institutions, and organisations, as well as by budgetary and other sources of social security; and by establishing a network of state, communal, and private institutions caring for incapacitated persons. 
Pensions and other types of social payments and assistance that are the principal sources of subsistence shall ensure a standard of living not lower than the minimum living standard established by law.”



"Article 84. Decent living and minimum salary. 1. Every person in need and the elderly shall, in accordance with law, have the right to a decent living."


"Article 5. The Hierarchy of Legal Norms. (...) 3. In case of conflict between the norms of international treaties ratified by the Republic of Armenia and those of laws, the norms of international treaties shall apply."

"Article 116. Ratification, Suspension or Revocation of International Treaties. (...) 3. International treaties contradicting the Constitution may not be ratified."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

"Article 3.  The Human Being, His or Her Dignity, Basic Rights and Freedoms. 

1. The human being shall be the highest value in the Republic of Armenia. The inalienable dignity of the human being shall constitute the integral basis of his or herrights and freedoms.

2. The respect for and protection of the basic rights and freedoms of the human being and the citizen shall be the duty of the public power.

3. The public power shall be restricted by the basic rights and freedoms of the human being and the citizen as a directly applicable law."



Article 17 (3): “Constitutional and legal norms regarding fundamental rights may be interpreted and integrated in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”

Article 17 (3): “As normas constitucionais e legais relativas aos direitos fundamentais devem ser interpretadas e integradas de harmonia com a Declaração Universal dos Direitos do Homem.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 1(1): “Cape Verde is a sovereign, unitary, and democratic Republic, which guarantees respect for the dignity of the human being and recognizes the inviolability and inalienability of Human Rights as the basis of all human community, peace and justice.”

Article 1(1): “ Cabo Verde é uma República soberana, unitária e democrática, que garante o respeito pela dignidade da pessoa humana e reconhece a inviolabilidade e inalienabilidade dos direitos humanos como fundamento de toda a comunidade humana, da paz e da justiça.”



Article 5.(4): “International treaties which have been ratified in accordance with the constitutional procedure, promulgated and having come into force with respect to the Republic of Bulgaria, shall be part of the legislation of the State. They shall have primacy over any conflicting provision of the domestic legislation.”

Чл. 5.(4): "Международните договори, ратифицирани по конституционен ред, обнародвани и влезли в сила за Република България, са част от вътрешното право на страната. Те имат предимство пред тези норми на вътрешното законодателство, които им противоречат."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 4.(2): “The Republic of Bulgaria shall guarantee the life, dignity and rights of the individual and shall create conditions conducive to the free development of the individual and of civil society.”

Чл. 4.(2): "Република България гарантира живота, достойнството и правата на личността и създава условия за свободно развитие на човека и на гражданското общество."



Article 15.4: “The universally-recognized norms of international law and international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation shall be a component part of its legal system. If an international treaty or agreement of the Russian Federation fixes other rules than those envisaged by law, the rules of the international agreement shall be applied.” 

Статья 15.4: "Общепризнанные принципы и нормы международного права и международные договоры Российской Федерации являются составной частью ее правовой системы. Если международным договором Российской Федерации установлены иные правила, чем предусмотренные законом, то применяются правила международного договора."


Article 17.1: “In the Russian Federation recognition and guarantees shall be provided for the rights and freedoms of man and citizen according to the universally recognized principles and norms of international law and according to the present Constitution.”

Статья 17.1: "В Российской Федерации признаются и гарантируются права и свободы человека и гражданина согласно общепризнанным принципам и нормам международного права и в соответствии с настоящей Конституцией."


Article 55: 
1. The listing in the Constitution of the Russian Federation of the fundamental rights and freedoms shall not be interpreted as a rejection or derogation of other universally recognized human rights and freedoms. 
2. In the Russian Federation no laws shall be adopted cancelling or derogating human rights and freedoms.” 

Статья 55:

"1. Перечисление в Конституции Российской Федерации основных прав и свобод не должно толковаться как отрицание или умаление других общепризнанных прав и свобод человека и гражданина.

2. В Российской Федерации не должны издаваться законы, отменяющие или умаляющие права и свободы человека и гражданина."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 7:  
1. The Russian Federation is a social State whose policy is aimed at creating conditions for a worthy life and a free development of man.  
2. In the Russian Federation the labour and health of people shall be protected, a guaranteed minimum wages and salaries shall be established, state support ensured to the family, maternity, paternity and childhood, to disabled persons and the elderly, the system of social services developed, state pensions, allowances and other social security guarantees shall be established.”

Статья 7: 

"1. Российская Федерация — социальное государство, политика которого направлена на создание условий, обеспечивающих достойную жизнь и свободное развитие человека.

2. В Российской Федерации охраняются труд и здоровье людей, устанавливается гарантированный минимальный размер оплаты труда, обеспечивается государственная поддержка семьи, материнства, отцовства и детства, инвалидов и пожилых граждан, развивается система социальных служб, устанавливаются государственные пенсии, пособия и иные гарантии социальной защиты."




Article 6: “ The State shall respect the international charters and conventions, and strive to implement all international agreements, charters, and conventions it is party thereof.” 

Article 143: “The enforcement of this Constitution shall not affect the provisions of the treaties and international agreements to which the State of Qatar is a party.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 28: “The State shall guarantee freedom of economic enterprise on the basis of social justice and balanced cooperation between private and public activity in order to achieve socio-economic development, increase in production, achieve public welfare, raise standard of living, and provide job opportunities in accordance with the provisions of the law.”



Article 37: "Le Grand-Duc fait les traités. Les traités n’auront d’effet avant d’avoir été approuvés par la loi et publiés dans les formes prévues pour la publication des lois."

Article 49bis: "L’exercice d’attributions réservées par la Constitution aux pouvoirs législatif, exécutif et judiciaire peut être temporairement dévolu par traité à des institutions de droit international."


Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 11(5): "La loi règle quant à ses principes la sécurité sociale, la protection de la santé, les droits des travailleurs, la lutte contre la pauvreté et l’intégration sociale des citoyens atteints d’un handicap."

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