FAO in Rwanda


20 August 2018
FAO Director-General stresses the need to create more jobs for youth and build capacity in rural areas to use digital technologies 20 August 2018, Kigali - Africa's young people are key to achieving the continent's sustainable development, but realizing this great potential requires creating more jobs for them, including in the increasingly...
30 July 2018
Christine Mushimirimana is a 50 year old widow, she lives with her seven children in a mud and wattle house in Nyamyumba sector, Rubavu District of Rwanda. She is a jolly lady yet reserved. She responds with a smile. The people in her area are predominately smallholder farmers. Despite the soils...
09 July 2018
Gaulbert Gbehounou has arrived as the new Country Representative for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rwanda. Gaulbert, a national of Benin, has more than 30 years of experience in the agriculture world. He holds a Master’s Degree in Agricultural Engineering, a Master’s Degree in Crop Science,...
29 May 2018
Odoratte Mukarushema started cultivating Rushaya Marshland in Rushaya Marshland, Busasamana sector, Nyanza District, Southern Province, from 1998 growing all kinds of crops from maize to beans, soya, cassava, potatoes and vegetables. The livelihood of the Ten-member Household of the 52 year old mother, relies on farming. She belongs to “Icyerekezo Rushaya” group...
11 May 2018
Rwanda committed to restore two million hectares of deforested and degraded land by 2020   as a pledge to the Bonn Challenge and to contribute to AFR100 (African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative), a pan-African, country-led effort to restore 100 million hectares (386 thousand square miles) of degraded and deforested landscapes by...