Portail d'information sur les sols

The Earth Living Skin: Soil, Life and Climate Changes

The Earth Living Skin 2014: Soil, Life and Climate Changes is the first of a Conference Series of the Soil System Sciences Division of the European Geosciences Union. The Conference Scientific Program will focus on the fundamental role of soil systems, multiphase complex organisms which generates and sustain life onto the planet. Soils are the skin of earth and therefore represent magnificent intermediate substrates where most of the key environmental phenomena occur and where land, climate, living organisms and humans contribute to define typical patterns and characteristics.

The Scientific Programme is planned to merge the most recent and stimulating concepts and findings of the numerous disciplines related to soil systems: soil science, geomorphology, biogeochemistry, hydrological sciences, environmental microbiology, ecology, climatology, and natural hazards, only to mention the main ones. Scientists and researchers with a temporary or consolidated interest for these fields of science are invited to participate to this Conference to bring their experiences and results and to contribute to create a permanent forum of stimulating scientific debates.

The scientific program backbone will be structured on the sessions proposed by Conveners and co-Conveners during the first call for Sessions, open to contributions till October 2013. In November the call for abstracts will be launched and opened till February 2014.

The Conference Series initiates a novel scientific experience around an environmental compartment, the soil, which represents the “critical system” of the earth surface, bridging several environmental compartments and biogeochemical phenomena. We sincerely hope you will be able to set this Conference in your agenda and to join us in 2014.

The Conference structure follow the bottom-up format of EGU General Assembly with a very general thematic framework, and sessions workshops, short courses, technical meetings, roundtables, debates and/or demonstrations  distributed along the week in the various rooms and facilities of the venue.

- 25 Sep 2014
Castellaneta Marina (TA), Italy