Gestion Durable des Forêts (GDF) Boîte à outils

SFM Toolbox looking ahead


Two years of further developments and achievements

Since its launch in June 2014 during the Committee on Forestry (COFO) session, the Sustainable Forest Management Toolbox has been constantly growing with new modules (44 in total) and the addition of more practical tools (such as videos and e-learning lessons).  If you prefer statistics, from its launch the SFM Toolbox had 151000 page visits, from nearly 47000 users. It is interesting to know that 22% consists of returning visitors, but this also means the website has been visited by quite a number of new visitors (78%). The country who has performed more sessions is Mexico, followed by Colombia and United States of America. Silviculture in natural forests is the most visited module.

The World Forestry Congress held in Durban, September 2015, was a good moment to interact with users and allow them to voice their opinions. In fact, a number of suggestions collected during those live sessions were addressed in order to render the website more user friendly. For instance, nearly 100 new videos were added to enhance the more practical and demonstrative side of the Toolbox.

A new home page - that we are displaying today for the first time - was also launched. The inspiration for the page is to have a more dynamic view of what is  happening in the Toolbox through time, i.e. this Blog presenting the release of new modules or other related activities).

The modules also have a new feature to create a .pdf  document. This feature is dedicated to those who want to have some modules at hand for field activities, academic lessons, etc. The pdf creator allows the module to be downloaded and printed in a simple and easily readable format.

Looking ahead, another evolving idea is to open this Blog to all users to add comments and/or notes or even articles on thematic areas relevant to the SFM Toolbox. So, as a user you can propose posts telling stories on SFM experiences or on how the SFM Toolbox has contributed to your job. For any suggestions, you can write to: sfm-toolbox[at]

Of course, the work of the SFM Toolbox core team does not stop here! We are aware that there is still a lot of work to be done, such as enhancing the tools/cases sections with resources in languages other than English.

For those attending COFO23 and the World Forestry Week at FAO (July 18-22), a reminder that we will be in the atrium (FAO B building, ground floor) to allow you to use and test the SFM Toolbox!  Follow the posters that will be displayed in some strategic points.

During the week, passing by our booth, it will also be possible for Delegates to download the off-line version of the SFM Toolbox website (especially for those living in countries with poor internet connection).
Looking forward to see you!

SFM Toolbox team