FAO in Syria


05 February 2024
By September 2024, farmers across Syria will be celebrating a new, high-quality calving to support and sustain their animal production and importantly, their income. As part of the Building Local Resilience in Syria (BLRS) project, funded by UK Aid, The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has...
31 January 2024
Climate change is causing harmful consequence on agriculture in the Syrian Arab Republic, making farming production challenging for stallholder farmers who already suffer the accumulative impact of more than 12 years crisis, such as inputs soaring prices and their limited availability, water scarcity, destruction of infrastructure and other. Framers do face...
10 January 2024
“The farmers were surprised and shocked. It was not easy for me to ignore the way they looked at me as a person with special needs who will provide information and good agricultural practices. Believing in myself and my capabilities to benefit everyone was my motivation to keep going as...
05 December 2023
“Now I can assess the market’s demands and my farm’s situation using SWOT analysis, then produce and promote suitable products to increase the profits. Thanks to FAO farmers business school for this mind-shifting opportunity,” Iman Al Nabhan, farmer and FBS participant in Hama governorate. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the...
30 November 2023
When Khadija received 500 kilograms fodder to feed her 15 heads of sheep, besides treating her sheep against diseases, she felt empowered to produce better quantity and quality of dairy to supply her family with food and income. “Herding is not only my only source for income, but I also truly...