FAO in Syria


08 November 2022
The Government of Italy has approved a contribution of 2 million Euros to the UN Joint Programme on Urban and Rural Resilience aimed at improving more inclusive access to livelihoods and to critical basic services in conflict-affected areas of Syria.
20 October 2022
“I chose to work with compost because I am passionate about organic agriculture. I believe it will have a positive impact on our environment.” – Rua’a Hamid, a young entrepreneur in Rural Hasakah. Rua’a Hamid’s entrepreneurial journey is relatively short, but her business has already had an impact on her entire...
13 October 2022
After years of crisis, the farmers in Syria really want to return bare abandoned lands to the productive farms they were previously.  They have a passion for farming - it secures food for their families, and provides them with a livelihood. Security and safety in their sub-districts; the availability of...
17 August 2022
“A humanitarian worker safeguards people’s dignity after all they have been through,” Saleh Al-Muqdad – FAO resilience officer - Daraa governorate - The Syrian Arab Republic. For humanitarian workers, every new day brings opportunities to support and inspire people to become their best. This is achievable in ordinary circumstances. But in...
14 August 2022
Wheat farmers in Daraa governorate have been busy harvesting their crops after a particularly hard season. For the second year running, they have been struggling with drought-like conditions and limited access to quality seed to plant their fields and produce food for their families and the local communities. They needed...