Technical Cooperation Programme

Introduction text...
Title Genetic Improvement of Rainbow Trout in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Abstract In the Islamic Republic of Iran, 23 million people in rural areas (30 percent of the population) depend for their income on the agriculture sector...(more)  
Start date 19/01/2038
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 330000$
Project Code TCP/IRA/3602
Title Asistencia de emergencia para el restablecimiento de los medios de vida y de la seguridad alimentaria de agricultores familiares de los distritos en el departamento de Piura, afectados por el fenómeno de El Niño Costero 2017
Abstract El fenómeno de El Niño Costero es el resultado del calentamiento del mar y provoca fuertes lluvias que generan inundaciones o desbordes causando pérdidas humanas, numerosos afectados y damnificados y cuantiosos daños materiales...(more)
Start date 19/01/2038
End date 31/12/2018
Budget 375000$
Project Code TCP/PER/3606
Title Improving food security in The Cook Islands
Abstract As a result of declining agricultural production and increasing trade imbalance on the Cook Islands, policies and interventions were needed to link agriculture to the growing tourism sector....(more)
Start date 19/01/2038
End date 31/12/2017
Budget 430000$
Project Code TCP/CKI/3502
Title Appui à la mise en place de systèmes techniques et organisationnels de multiplication des semences de cultures vivrières commerciales en Guinée Bissau
Abstract La Guinée-Bissau est un Pays à faible revenu et à déficit vivrier (PFRDV) et fait partie des Pays les moins avancés (PMA)...(more)
Start date 19/01/2038
End date 30/06/2018
Budget 359000$
Project Code TCP/GBS/3601
Title Support to the Government of Rwanda in Sustainable Control and Management of Fall Armyworm
Abstract With the Fall Armyworm (FAW) pest affecting over 80 crop species in Rwanda in 2017 alone, many farmers saw their yields decrease and incomes depleted. Despite pest management and containment efforts, FAW in Rwanda has remained active since...(more)    
Start date 19/01/2038
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 284000$
Project Code TCP/RWA/3608
Title Integrated National Strategic Action Plan on Fire Management in Myanmar
Abstract In Myanmar, wildfires are a serious problem, with local and wide-reaching regional impacts. The country has the highest burn rate in Southeast Asia, and ranks 11th globally in terms of forest fires...(more)
Start date 01/12/2019
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 100000$
Project Code TCP/MYA/3608
Title Somalia - Develop an IGAD Regional Forestry Policy and Strategy 
Abstract The IGAD is a regional body that coordinates development efforts across its Member States, which include Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda...(more)
Start date 27/09/2019
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 283000$
Project Code TCP/SFE/3605
Title Ethiopia - Develop an IGAD Regional Forestry Policy and Strategy 
Abstract The IGAD is a regional body that coordinates development efforts across its Member States, which include Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda...(more)
Start date 27/09/2019
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 283000$
Project Code TCP/SFE/3605
Title South Sudan - Develop an IGAD Regional Forestry Policy and Strategy 
Abstract The IGAD is a regional body that coordinates development efforts across its Member States, which include Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda...(more)
Start date 27/09/2019
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 283000$
Project Code TCP/SFE/3605
Title Kenya - Develop an IGAD Regional Forestry Policy and Strategy 
Abstract The IGAD is a regional body that coordinates development efforts across its Member States, which include Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda...(more)
Start date 27/09/2019
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 283000$
Project Code TCP/SFE/3605
Title Sudan - Develop an IGAD Regional Forestry Policy and Strategy 
Abstract The IGAD is a regional body that coordinates development efforts across its Member States, which include Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda...(more)
Start date 27/09/2019
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 283000$
Project Code TCP/SFE/3605
Title Uganda - Develop an IGAD Regional Forestry Policy and Strategy 
Abstract The IGAD is a regional body that coordinates development efforts across its Member States, which include Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda...(more)
Start date 27/09/2019
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 283000$
Project Code TCP/SFE/3605
Title Djibouti - Develop an IGAD Regional Forestry Policy and Strategy 
Abstract The IGAD is a regional body that coordinates development efforts across its Member States, which include Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda...(more)
Start date 27/09/2019
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 283000$
Project Code TCP/SFE/3605
Title Emergency Assistance to Mitigate the Impact of El Niño-Induced Drought on Livelihoods of Vulnerable Agricultural and Agropastoral Households in Zambia
Abstract The agriculture sector in Zambia supports the livelihoods of nearly 85 percent of the population, which includes 17 million people located across three agroecological zones...(more)    
Start date 25/01/2019
End date 24/01/2020
Budget 400000$
Project Code TCP/ZAM/3702
Title Support to Community Land Governance for Improved Tenure Security through Enhancing Institutional Capacity at the National and County Levels
Abstract The promotion and enforcement of land ownership rights, in particular community lands, remains a contentious policy issue in Kenya, due in part to legislative and institutional capacity...(more)    
Start date 01/01/2019
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 500000$
Project Code TCP/KEN/3705
Title Response to Containment of Tick Resistance and Tick-Borne Diseases in Uganda
Abstract Agriculture is an extremely important sector in Uganda, employing 66 percent of the labour force and accounting for 53 percent of the country’s exports...(more)    
Start date 24/12/2018
End date 01/05/2020
Budget 100000$
Project Code TCP/UGA/2701
Title Moldova - Strengthening the Regional Preparedness, Prevention and Response Against Lumpy Skin Disease in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine
Abstract Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is a newly emerged transboundary animal disease (TAD) that is spreading...(more)
Start date 01/12/2018
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 300000$
Project Code TCP/RER/3605
Title Support to Enhance National Capacity for the Management of Fall Armyworm (FAW) in Uganda
Abstract Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda, J.E Smith) is a pest of maize and other crops...(more)  
Start date 01/12/2018
End date 31/10/2019
Budget 483000$
Project Code TCP/UGA/3605
Title Strengthening the Agricultural Livelihoods Recovery of Earthquake Impacted Households
Abstract In February 2018, a 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, and was followed by aftershocks...(more)
Start date 26/11/2018
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 300000$
Project Code TCP/PNG/3703
Title Emergency Support to Vulnerable Households to Mitigate the Impact of Drought and Floods on Agriculture
Abstract In August 2018, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea faced one of the most severe heat waves/droughts in decades. Below average rainfall from mid-July until mid-August, normally the wettest months...(more)
Start date 16/11/2018
End date 15/05/2020
Budget 445000$
Project Code TCP/DRK/3705